Samsung Camera v9.5.00.56 APKをダウンロード

More about Samsung Camera

Download Samsung Camera APK v9.5.00.56. Samsung Camera belongs to the Tools category and the developer of this app is Samsung Electronics Co., 株式会社.

Samsung Camera is the pre-installed camera that all Samsung smartphones use to take pictures. You can take a picture in a matter of seconds to immortalize any moment of your life with the click of a button.

From the main settings menu, you can modify certain values that let you control the level of light, apply filters or use a chronometer, among many others. In order to discover them or apply any of them, just tap on any of the different options to activate them.

一方で, Samsung Camera lets you take pictures using the front or back camera, using the flash if needed or record a video. All these features are also distributed on either side of the screen, so taking a picture using the correct features is really easy. Tap on these features to access them in seconds and don’t ever miss the chance to take a good picture.

テクニカル Apk ファイル情報:

  • パッケージ名:
  • バージョン: (950056000)
  • ファイルサイズ: 35.5 MB
  • 更新しました: 9月 7, 2019
  • Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 9 (パイ, API 28)

Samsung Camera v9.5.00.56 APKをダウンロード
