More about DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser
DuckDuckGo search and stories is a web browser. It comes with great privacy controls. You can sync your browsing history across all of your devices. Tap Fire Button, Burn Data, clear all your tabs and browsing data with one tap. That’s an extremely powerful privacy feature.
Download DuckDuckGo and start browsing:
DuckDuckGo Search and Stories assures you that your data and search history will be eliminated once you finish each session. No one else will be able to view or use that information. Escape online tracking automatically blocks hidden third-party trackers. Just write the thing you’re looking for, wait a few seconds, and go through the results. It also allows you to perform searches within a webpage by using a few simple commands that are explained in the app itself. Try another app as well as ファイアフォックス.
Download DuckDuckGo Search APK v5.143.1 for your Android Mobile, タブレットまたは直接リンクのある AndroidFreeApks.com の任意の Android デバイス.
DuckDuckGo is the search engine that doesn’t track you. Our Search & Stories app offers you real privacy, smarter search, and stories that you’ll love!
プライバシー, simplified.
At DuckDuckGo, we believe the Internet shouldn’t feel so creepy and having the privacy you deserve online should be as simple as closing the blinds.
We provide the privacy essentials you need to seamlessly take control of your personal information as you search and browse the web, no matter where the Internet takes you:
• Escape Advertising Tracker Networks — Our Privacy Protection will block all the hidden third-party trackers we can find, exposing the major advertising networks tracking you over time, so that you can track who’s trying to track you.
• Increase Encryption Protection — We force sites to use an encrypted connection where available, protecting your data from prying eyes, like Internet Service Providers.
• Search Privately — You share your most personal information with your search engine, like your financial, medical, and political questions. What you search for is your own business, which is why DuckDuckGo search doesn’t track you. Ever.
• Decode Privacy Policies — We’ve partnered with Terms of Service Didn’t Read to include their scores and labels of website terms of service and privacy policies, where available.
As you search and browse, DuckDuckGo shows you a Privacy Grade rating when you visit a website (A-F). This rating lets you see how protected you are at a glance, dig into the details to see who we caught trying to track you, and learn how we enhanced the underlying site’s privacy measures. The Privacy Grade is scored automatically based on the prevalence of hidden tracker networks, encryption availability, and website privacy practices.
Our app provides standard browsing functionality including tabs, ブックマーク, and autocomplete. In addition to strong Privacy Protection as described above, we also packed in some extra privacy features into the browser itself:
• Fire Button — Clear all your tabs and data with one tap.
Too many people believe you simply can’t expect privacy on the Internet. We’re fighting to change that, and have made it our mission to set a new standard of trust online. Install DuckDuckGo and take back your privacy!
DuckDuckGo Search Apk file Information
パッケージ名: com.duckduckgo.mobile.
android Version: 5.143.1 (51431000)
ファイルサイズ: 36.7 MB
更新しました: 11月 14, 2022
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 6.0 (マシュマロ, API 23)
画面の DPI: nodpi
建築: x86_64,x86,armeabi-v7a,arm64-v8a
Download DuckDuckGo SearchAPK Latest Version:
無料の直接ダウンロード. The original and safe DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser apk file without any mod.
What’s new in this version of DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser?
What’s new in this release?
Bug fixes and other improvements
Join our fully distributed team and help raise the standard of trust online — from anywhere! duckduckgo.com/hiring
Have feedback?
You can always reach us at duckduckgo.com/feedback.
Older Version of DuckDuckGo Search APK
Download DuckDuckGo Search v5.138.1 APK –3.5M
- DuckDuckGo プライバシー ブラウザ APK v5.143.1 ダウンロード 2025 最新バージョン アップロードされた: 1月 8, 2021