Garena Free Fire MAX APK MOD v2.67.0 (ウォールハック/エイムボット) ダウンロード

Free Fire MAX is designed exclusively to deliver premium gameplay experience in a Battle Royale. Enjoy a variety of exciting game modes with all Free Fire players via exclusive Firelink technology. Experience combat like never before with Ultra HD resolutions and breathtaking effects. 待ち伏せ, スナイプ, and survive; There is only one goal: to survive and be the last one standing.

[Fast-paced, deeply immersive gameplay]
50 players parachute onto a deserted island but only one will leave. Over ten minutes, players will compete for weapons and supplies and take down any survivors that stand in their way. 隠れる, scavenge, fight and survivewith reworked and upgraded graphics, players will be richly immersed in the Battle Royale world from start to finish.

[同じゲーム, better experience]
With HD graphics, enhanced special effects and smoother gameplay, Free Fire MAX provides a realistic and immersive survival experience for all Battle Royale fans.

[4-男の部隊, ゲーム内ボイスチャットあり]
最大で分隊を作成します 4 players and establish communication with your squad right from the start. Lead your friends to victory and be the last team standing victorious at the apex!

[Firelink technology]
With Firelink, you can login your existing Free Fire account to play Free Fire MAX without any hassle. Your progress and items are maintained across both applications in real-time. You can play all game modes with both Free Fire and Free Fire MAX players together, no matter which application they use.



ちょっと、そこ, ここから, ダウンロードできます Garena Free Fire MAX MOD APK which has wallhack, wall chams, エイムボット, and many other amazing features. It’s an action-packed battle royale game offered by GARENA INTERNATIONAL I PRIVATE LIMITED. It has more than fifty million downloads on the Play Store. Free Fire is back with Firelink technology, upgraded graphics, ultra-resolutions, and special effects to give your more immersive & realistic survival experience.Garena Free Fire MAX Features?

Garena Free Fire MAX MOD APK (MEGA MENU)

Garena Free Fire MAX MOD APK 2.67.0 (ウォールハック/エイムボット) ダウンロード

アプリ名Garena Free Fire MAX
サイズ1.0 GB
必要なデバイスアンドロイド 5.0 そしてアップ
最終更新11月 11, 2021


Overview of Garena Free Fire MAX

Garena Free Fire MAX MOD APK (MEGA MENU)

Free Fire MAX is the upgraded version of Free Fire in terms of graphics & 効果. It has much better graphics, 特殊効果, and smoother gameplay. You can say it’s a remastered Free Fire. The gameplay and game modes in it are the same as in Free Fire. Go solo, in a duo, or a squad. Don’t worry if you are using MAX and your friend is using Free Fire, you both can play together. 50 players will land on the island and will compete to survive till the end. Find weapons and kill enemies. It’s your wish you wanna ambush them with assault refiles or snipe them with snipers. Just don’t die and be the last one standing to win the match. A very simple & easy rule, 右?

Characters & ペット

Garena Free Fire MAX MOD APK (MEGA MENU)

がある 42 different characters in this game, each with unique attributes & スキル. You will find characters suited for your playstyle for sure. If you like playing as a support, then you will love Kapella. Here ability is a healing song that increases the healing effects & reduces HP loss of everyone in your team. You can also upgrade your characters to increase their skill effects. Play the game and find the character that suits your playstyle.

15+ Pets with Unique Abilities

Garena Free Fire MAX MOD APK (MEGA MENU)

It has 15+ cool, cute & 戦場で決してあなたの側を離れることのない素晴らしいペットたち. パンダを連れて行こう, 機械仕掛けの子犬, ナイトパンサー, 霊狐, 虎, アヒル, またはかわいい子猫. ペットにはそれぞれ特別なスキルがあります. パンダは敵を倒すとHPを回復します, ファルコが滑走を許可します & ダイビングスピードバフやさらに多くの驚くべきスキルがゲームであなたを待っています.


Garena Free Fire MAX MOD APK (MEGA MENU)

このゲームには面白くて挑戦的なゲームモードがたくさんあります: バトルロワイヤル, 激突部隊, クラッシュ・スクワッドがランクイン, ランクモード, 一匹狼, そして赤い光, グリーンライト. これらのモードの一部は次のとおりです:


Garena Free Fire MAX MOD APK (MEGA MENU)

バトルロイヤルには2種類ある: クラシックとランク付け. どちらのタイプでもルールは同じです, 唯一の違いは報酬です. 50 プレイヤーは島に上陸し、10 分間の試合を生き延びて試合に勝つ最後の一人になることを目指します。. ランクイン中, you will get rank points on winning the match that is required to climb up in the league. シーズンが終わると, you will get amazing rewards based on your league.


In this mode, there will be two teams of 4 選手. At the starting of the match, each player has a certain amount of money and can buy any weapon & item using that money. その後, they will compete to eliminate the opponent team. Players will get money on killing others and will also lose all their weapons & items when killed. The team that eliminates all players of the opponent team will win the round and the next round will start. The team that wins 4 ラウンドが勝者になります.

What’s New in Latest Version

  • Bugs Fixed
  • Game Improvement


Garena Free Fire MAX MOD APK いくつかの変更された機能があります. 以下で確認してください.

  • MOD Mega Menu
  • Wall Hack
  • Wall Chams
  • AimBot
  • Aim on Scope
  • Grenade Line
  • Teleport Vehicle
  • Tele Kill
  • Ghost Hack
  • No Reload
  • No Parachute
  • Zero Fog

In Free Fire, the player’s skills & tricks make him a pro player. But if you are not good with the controls and struggling against the pro players, then this MOD will help you a lot. In this MOD, you are getting a mega MOD menu that has many amazing features as mentioned in the list. You can toggle any feature anytime you want. With the help of wall chams, you can see the enemies even through the walls. With the grenade line, you will always know the position where it will drop. You will have fun using it and winning the matches.
