Google電話 15.0.179075669 APK最新バージョン

Google電話 15.0.179075669 (腕) (320dpi) (アンドロイド 6.0+)

Androidの電話アプリを更新します 6.0 (マシュマロ) or newer device to improve your calling experience and gain control over calls with features like Google Duo video calling, スパム保護, および発信者ID.

Initiate the highest quality one-to-one video call with a simple tap from the call log, search or contacts card. You can also easily upgrade a voice call to a Duo video call. Make sure you have Google Duo installed and activated.

See warnings about potential spam callers and report suspicious calls to help protect the community from telemarketers, fraudsters and spammers.

あなたが拾う前に誰が電話しているかを知ってください, with business names now visible on the call screen along with their number.

あなたが望む通話を受け取ります, そして、あなたがしないものではありません. You can now block numbers to prevent unwanted calls.

ボイスメールを呼び出す必要なく、メッセージを確認してください – 意見, playback and delete them right from the Phone app and download the audio to your device. Currently available for Project Fi, T-Mobile USA, and Orange France customers.

アプリや面倒なコピーと貼り付けはもう切り替えません. Just find and call places right from the search bar in the Phone app.

See where you are when you’re calling for help — this feature makes it easier to see your location when contacting emergency services.


Make Duo video calls from inside the app if you have Google Duo installed and activated
• Initiate a Duo video call from the call log, 探す, または連絡先カード
• Upgrade a voice call to a Duo video call
Enriched Calling on Rogers Canada (共有 & 電話, Post-call Message)
バグの修正 & performance improvements

Google Phone apk file Information:

バージョン: 15.0.179075669 (2015429)腕
サイズ: 9.99 MB (10,474,754 バイト)
分: アンドロイド 6.0 (マシュマロ, API 23)
目標: アンドロイド 8.0 (オレオ, API 26)

Google電話 15.0.179075669 APK最新バージョン
