マイクロG – YouTube Vanced APK

Download YouTube Vanced APK [NON-ROOT]

YouTube Vanced is a popular modded version of YouTube. It adds a number of features to the official YouTube app, including built-in adblocking, background playback, black/dark themes, などなど. This page has installation instructions and download links for non-rooted devices. YouTube Vanced for rooted devices can be found here.

この画像には alt 属性が指定されていません; its file name is MicroG-YouTube-Vanced-dirty-Apk-1200x675.png


  1. Install the MicroG APK if you want to log in with your YouTube account.
  2. Find the YouTube Vanced APK that you want and download it.
  3. Install the APK like you normally would.

バージョン: (17455013) arm64-v8a + アルメアビ + armeabi-v7a + x86 + x86_64
パッケージ: com.mgoogle.android.gms
サイズ: 11.14 MB (11,678,731 バイト)分: アンドロイド 4.0 (アイスクリームサンド, API 14)

目標: アンドロイド 9.0 (パイ, API 28)

マイクロG – YouTube Vanced APK
