ML Injector APK v9.6 Download 2025 (正式) 最新

Ngulik ML Injector APK is Tool for Mobile Legends – Bang! 強打! which offers Skin Unlocks, Drone Map, Change Analog, Change Background, Battle Kills, and Recall.

– Ngulik

ML Skin Injector is a tool that helps you to apply skins on your Mobile legend account. If you do not want to invest in purchasing skins and weapons in the ML game. Then you have to install apps like skin injectors.

This will help you inject your desired skin into the part of the game. Your gaming experience will get more boost up and more powerful in real-time. You will unlock several parts of the items that are available within the gameplay.

If you’re a beginner at Mobile Legends, let me assure you that the game offers an amazing experience for people of all ages. You get to battle it out against different game characters termed as heroes and fight for victory.

Every hero comes with their own special ability that will be sure to blow your mind. You can never get enough of the game because the more you play it, the more you discover something new and powerful. It’s what keeps the game alive in the hearts of many players across all corners of the earth.

The only thing that’s exciting as battling out against your enemies, is doing it in style, and in the most suitable skin. Every player knows how good it feels to get your heroes’ skins and to use their special abilities linked to that attire.

The satisfaction of acquiring a skin in the game is unmatched and therefore, players have always looked for different ways to get full access to them. また, there are a few features that you wouldn’t get from the official version of the game.

Trying to tweak the game could be the worst mistake you’d make because it is an online game and doing so is difficult. また, once you’re caught, you will be banned from the game and your account erased from the picture entirely.

All your progress will be lost. This is exactly what some sites and apps do as they claim to be able to hack into the servers for you but end up messing everything. あなた, したがって, need an injector like the ML Injector app to finds a solution to all of your problems.

What is ML Injector APK?

The ML Injector APK is a tool developed by Ngulik and is used to get free skins on the Mobile Legends game. What the app does is to implement the system inject to unlock all the skins needed for different heroes in the game.

It also gives users access to various features that they would otherwise miss out while playing the game alone. It reduces the risk of getting banned and losing your account and progress in the long-run. はい, it is safe to use.

The developer of ML Injector running a YouTube Channel where you can watch video tutorials about how you can use the app in real-time on your android. And he also shared almost all tricks related to the game and you can find them on your own by visiting his channel.

APK バージョン情報:

Download ML Injector APK Latest Version for Android

The ML Injector isn’t available in the default app store on your Android device. したがって, you are required to use third-party sites to download the APK. This is one of the official sites which provides APK from the developer.

Download ML Skin Injector

これで、ダウンロードする準備ができましたML Skin Injector無料で. ここにいくつかのメモがあります:

  • ゲームのMOD情報とインストール手順をよくお読みください & 正常に動作するアプリ
  • Read the FAQ carefully for more details

Download the latest version of ML Injector below:

 アプリ名ML Skin Injector
 出版社TejJ Liit
 サイズ12 MB
 MOD情報ML Skins Unlock All

Download ML Skin Injector APK (最新バージョン) v9.6


Unlock all skins for free

Should you want to dress your characters in their most fashionable or intimidating skins on Mobile Legends, you would need to cough up some diamonds. 良い, not actual diamonds, but the virtual stones used as currency in the game.

でも, if you happen to be short, there’s no way you can take a loan from another player’s profile like you would in any bank. そのような, you would be forced to spend real cash and purchase more diamonds to get your desired skin.

Let’s do the math, there are hundreds of characters on the game and if you intend on using your own cash to purchase them, then you might just spend something close to an actual diamond plated item.

その代わり, use the money to buy yourself something sweet or treat the person you value to a surprise because the Ngulik ML Injector unlocks all the skins free of charge. With this injector, you can access every skin for every hero and walk into battle rich because you saved a fortune.

Anti-ban version

How do you think it would feel to have unlocked nearly all of the heroes on ML along with their intended skins and have all that progress stripped away from your grasp in a matter of seconds? If there is a feeling worse than depression, then it most definitely is this experience.

There are rogue injectors that claim to work miracles for your Mobile Legends progress but once you take the risk and dive in, you not only lose your progress, but the respect of your comrades.

So why risk being banned because of using a simple app to unlock mere skins just so that you can dress your favorite characters. People shouldn’t be punished for attempting to mask their own game characters.

したがって, download and install the ML Injector by Ngulik and safely, as well as securely, unlock all the skins that your characters possess.


Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Having an app that can literally grant you access to all the amazing and locked features of a brilliant game such as Mobile Legends.

To top it all up, the app comes for free without any conditions or subscriptions. The only requirement would be to download and install the app then open it. I guess it’s true what they say, not all heroes wear capes, and the ML Injector is one true legendary hero.

Drone Map

Imagine being able to set the scale of the drone view you desire. With the ML Injector by Ngulik, you can adjust the scale to your drone view at any time and choose the options you prefer like drone brawl or drone map.

These come with a variety of sizes like 1.5X, 2バツ, 6バツ, and even 7X. Define your own map drone as you please. Without such an exceptional injector, you wouldn’t be able to access this feature and thus, would be stranded with professionals against whom you don’t stand a chance.

Background change

After playing the Mobile Legends game for a while, we tend to find the background of the interface a little too monotonous. It gets less excited to wait in the lobby waiting to be shipped to your next battle. We’d all love some change in the background and the ML Injector gives you the chance to do it yourself.

Using the app, you would be capable of changing the background loading, lobby and loading battle as well. You get to choose among a few options according to your taste and improve the look of your game. こちらです, whenever you walk into battle, you have the same level of psych as you did in the lobby.

Change the analog

We all have different styles of playing comfortably with the controls offered in any game. Given a chance, I’m sure most of us would come up with their own set of control types for the Mobile Legends game or any other in the market.

でも, there are times when the analog in the game interferes with our control in the battlefield and if you’re not used to it, you might as well get used to getting your ass kicked. でも, with the ML Injector, you can change the virtual analog in the game comfortably.

Extra developing features

通常は, when you download any regular injector, it comes with a limited number of features or functions and stays that way without any pending updates. This makes such apps monotonous after a while and they would only be good for taking up space on your phone.

でも, the ML Injector brings you future expected developments that are exciting. Changing the border, 例えば, is an ongoing project by the developers and sounds very interesting. このアプリで, you can be assured of never-ending fun.

How to Install ML Injector APK on Android?

ステップ 1. Download Official Ngulik ML Injector APK from our download page.

ステップ 2. Open any file manager and navigate to the downloaded location.

ステップ 3. APKファイルをタップします. ここ, android security asks you to enable unknown sources option. 有効にする.

ステップ 4. 今, again go to the same location and Install ML Injector APK on your android device.

ステップ 5. Open it and allow storage permissions.

ステップ 6. 今, choose the option from the home page and pay the game.


名前ML Injector
サイズ10 MB
最終更新4月 17, 2021

DOWNLOAD v8.0 パスワード: 8639
