Yahoo メール v5.17.2 (1320803) APK最新バージョン

Yahoo Mailの最新バージョンをダウンロードしてください 5.17.2 アンドロイド用

(4.3/5 Google Play での平均評価 3,728,000 ユーザー)

Gmailを簡単に整理するのに最適なメールアプリ, 見通し (hotmail), AOL and Yahoo accounts. Regardless of your email address, you can experience the Yahoo Mail app’s beautiful design, easy-to-use interface and lightning fast speed. プラス, Yahoo Mail offers 1000 GB of free secure cloud storage, so you never have to worry about space again.

SIGN UP WITH ANY ACCOUNTWorks with non-Yahoo email addresses, including Gmail, 見通し (hotmail) and AOL. No Yahoo email address required.

CUSTOMIZE YOUR SWIPESChoose different actions like delete, アーカイブ, move and more when you swipe left or right on a message.

GET NOTIFICATIONS FROM PEOPLE ONLYGet notified only when you receive a new email from a person, not companies or newsletters.

QUICKLY SEARCHSearch across all of your messages, 連絡先, files and photos, faster than ever.

GET CREATIVEMake sure your emails stand out with animated GIFs and artist-designed stationery from Paperless Post.

SEND MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTSEasily add photos, ビデオ, and documents to an email, all at once.

NEVER DELETE AN EMAILKeep all of your emails with 1000 GB of free secure cloud storage.

CHOOSE A THEMESelect different backgrounds and text colors for your Yahoo inbox.

DITCH PASSWORDSEnable Account Key for secure, password-free sign in.

CONNECT GOOGLE DRIVE AND DROPBOXEasily access and send photos and documents you’ve stored in the cloud.

BE IN THE KNOWGet breaking news from Yahoo right in the app.

GET YAHOO MAIL PRO on mobileGet ad-free mail and priority customer support for $0.99/month or $9.99/year, available as an in-app purchase.


Searching your inbox? Now we provide category filters, popular and recent searches to help you find what you’re searching for faster
– つながる. Connect your Facebook, ツイッター, and LinkedIn accounts to get updated profile photos, job titles, email addresses, and phone numbers for your Yahoo Mail contacts

Ymail file Information

バージョン: 5.17.2 (1320803)
アップロード済み: 六月 27, 2017 で 4:40午後 GMT+00
ファイルサイズ: 17.88MB (18,751,798 バイト)
Android の最小バージョン: アンドロイド 4.4+ (キットカット, API 19)
MD5: 3e5f01fb2672283aef0794044253424f
SHA1: f0f978e3a2a5d3c4735b24ff6035eb9ea5e29e9b

Download Yahoo Mail – Stay Organized APK v5.17:

Older Version of Yahoo Mail APK Available:


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