암페어 프로 APK V3.55 다운로드 2025 최신 버전

느껴본 적 있어?, 하나의 충전기/USB 케이블 세트는 장치를 정말 빠르게 충전하고 다른 하나는 그렇지 않습니다.? 지금, Ampere로 이것을 증명할 수 있습니다..

Ampere Apk는 사용자가 배터리 전압을 확인하는 데 도움이 되는 애플리케이션입니다.. Braintrapp 웹 개발자가 개발했습니다.. 전류 흐름은 여러 요인에 따라 달라집니다.. Some being the cable that the device is connected to either the USB or the wireless, the phone type, the tasks that are running in the background, the brightness percentage or the GPS state.

It also depends whether or not the wifi is connected and turned on. Ampere Apk lets its users check whether or not the battery is charging. And if it is charging then at what pace is it doing so. When the user has no charger connected to the device on which they are using Ampere Apk, then the app shows a negative signal while as obvious, for a positive signal the charger needs to be attached with the device. The app tells the user of the current in just 10 초.

Measure the charging and discharging current of your battery.
The app works on Android 4.0.3+ 장치. Not every device is supported because there are devices which lacks an appropriate measurement chip (or the interface) and they can not be supported at all. Please read the list of not supported phones at the end of the description.

Measure the charging and discharging current of your battery.

PRO features:
– 위젯
– 공고
Alerts on device
Alerts on Android Wear

The app is not meant to be mA accurate. It is only good for evaluating which Charger/USB cable combo is working the best for you on the same device.
Start the app and wait ca. 10 초 (“measuring” is on the display). After this time, the charging or discharging current will be shown.
The current depends on many things:

– The charger (USB/AC/Wireless)
– The USB cable
– The phone type
– Current tasks running
– Display brightness
– WiFi state
– GPS state

Please don’t use the readings on this app as concrete science. 하지만, the readings are good enough to relatively measure how various chargers and USB cables fair on the same device.

If your Lollipop device (또는 나중에) 쇼 0 all the time, please use the settings option “Old measurement method”. You can force the app with it to use the old measurement interface if the Lollipop device has at least one. Maybe it helps…

The app works on Android 4.0.3+ 장치. Not every device is supported because there are devices which lacks an appropriate measurement chip (or the interface) and they can not be supported at all. Please read the list of not supported phones at the end of the description.

The app is not meant to be mA accurate. It is only good for evaluating which Charger/USB cable combo is working the best for you on the same device.


Please read also the FAQ: http://goo.gl/R8XgXX


Start the app and wait ca. 10 초 (“measuringis on the display). After this time, the charging or discharging current will be shown.

The current depends on many things:
Charger (USB/AC/Wireless)
USB cable
Phone type
Current tasks running
Display brightness
WiFi state
GPS state

Please don’t use the readings on this app as concrete science. 하지만, the readings are good enough to relatively measure how various chargers and USB cables fair on the same device.

If the app shows 0mA all the time, please use the settings optionOld measurement method”. You can force the app with it to use the old measurement interface if the Lollipop device has at least one.

안타깝게도, some Samsung devices don’t give correct (measured) values (예를 들어: S5), just the maximum possible charging current with the actual USB cable/charger configuration. This is a firmware problem.


Background info: The app measures the charging/discharging current of the battery. If your phone is not connected to a charger, you see the discharging current which is negative. If you connect a charger then the current what the charger gives will be used to supply your phone and the remaining power will be charged into the battery.

If your phone consumes 300 mA without a charger connected (-300mA on the display), then a 500 mA charger will charge your battery maximum with 200 mA current (200mA on display).


Technical info: The displayed current is an average value from 50 measurements minus the 10 upper values and the 10 lower values. The displayed current can be shaky or unstable or even zero which means, that the Android system provides unstable values. Every company uses different battery types and other hardware making it difficult to get accurate results about your charger.


LiPo batteries don’t draw the maximum for the full time it takes to charge the phone. If your battery is charged almost full then the charging current will be much less as by lower battery levels.

A graph explaining LiPo charge stages: http://batteryuniversity.com/_img/content/ion1.jpg
Dave’s (EEVBlog) LiPo Charging Tutorial: http://youtu.be/A6mKd5_-abk


Phones/ROMS compatible only withOld measurement methodswitched on and selected the rightMeasurement interface”:
➤ HTC One M7 / M8
➤ LG G3

Phones/ROMS reported to be not working with this app:
➤ Galaxy Grand Primefortuna3gdtv
➤ Galaxy Note2t03g, t03gchn, t03gchnduos, t03gcmcc, t03gctc, t03gcuduos
➤ Galaxy S3d2att, d2spr, d2vmu
➤ Galaxy Tab4 7.0 – degas3g
➤ HTC Desire 510 – htc_a11ul8x26
➤ HTC One S (ville), 엑스 (endeavoru), 특대 (evita)
➤ HTC Sensation 4Gpyramid

Please do not give wrong rating, if your phone is one of the above. Not the app is wrong, but your phone does not support this kind of measurement yet.

If the app doesn’t work on your device with pre-Lollipop Android version, then please read the first and the second posts in this XDA developer forum thread: http://goo.gl/pZqJg8 . Please post your problem with screenshots in the XDA thread.

Please read also the FAQ: http://goo.gl/R8XgXX

새로운 기능

* Smaller app
* Preparations for Android P
* AdMob consent added (GDPR)
* Bug fixes and minor enhancementsAmpere FAQ: http://goo.gl/R8XgXXFor more info please read the change history: Settings => About Ampere => Change historyNote: When ampere would be stuck inmeasuring” 상태 (after a firmware upgrade to Android 7.x) please clear Amperesapp cache.
1.) 열기 “Android Settings app” => “앱” => “Ampere
2.) Clear all data under the “저장” 메뉴
3.) Restart Ampere

사용자 리뷰/의견:

  • COOL! This app has taught me a few good pointers. I have more knowledge when it comes to charging my devices. I can compare different chargers and cables by testing them myself. No more need to waste money on misleading products thanks to Ampere. Shout-out to Brian Trapp, 감사!
  • Great app to check voltages and currents in use. Easy use for evaluating chargers and cables quality. I have a problem with it though. The battery full/low/hot alerts only make my Redmi Note 5 일체 포함 (MIUI 10/Android 8.1) 떨리다. No sound is played. Tried changing sounds and all types of troubleshooting

Ampere file information

앱 이름Ampere Apk
발행자APK 모드
크기9 메가바이트
최신 버전v3.55
MOD 정보프로 잠금 해제
그것을 켜플레이 스토어
업데이트칠월 22, 2022 (2 몇달 전)

Download Ampere APK Latest Version

Download Ampere v3.55 APK – 9 메가바이트


Download Ampere v3.11 (217) APK

패키지 이름: com.gombosdev.ampere
버전: v3.11 (217)
파일 크기: 5.8 메가바이트
업데이트됨: 칠월 18, 2018
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.0.3 (아이스크림 샌드위치, API 15)

Download Ampere v3.10

패키지 이름: com.gombosdev.ampere
버전: v3.10 (216)
파일 크기: 5.8 메가바이트
업로드됨: 칠월 12, 2018
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.0.3 (아이스크림 샌드위치, API 15)

Download Ampere v3.09

패키지 이름: com.gombosdev.ampere
버전: v3.09 (215)
파일 크기: 6.4 메가바이트
업로드됨: 칠월 11, 2018
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.0.3 (아이스크림 샌드위치, API 15)

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