Dingtone APK v9.9.8A 다운로드 2025 최신 버전

Make free voice calls and send free sms.

More about Dingtone

Dingtone app is your worldwide communication portal that allows you to connect freely with voice and messaging. The app allows you internet calling, messaging while you can opt for a local number for different countries to avoid roaming charges.

Easily make phone calls to mobiles and landlines across the globe from within the Dingtone app using the app credits. And when you call someone else on Dingtone the call will be totally free just as you do on Whatsapp. The app can be registered using a phone number or an email address.

Free phone calls, free texting SMS on free number

Dingtone, a free calling app allows you to make unlimited free phone calls, send free text messages to anyone. Dingtone also gives you a free number as 2nd line, a real phone number with local area code for free calling and free texting. You can call any mobile/landline phone numbers in over 200 국가 및 지역, your friends don’t need to install the app.

★ Make free calls, send free SMS messages
★ Free US phone number, 보내다 & receive calls & texts
★ Cheap or free international calls and international texting to 200+ 국가 및 지역
★ Local phone numbers for you to choose: 우리를, 캐나다, 영국, 벨기에, 네덜란드, 호주, 프랑스, 스웨덴, Mauritius, 폴란드, 오스트리아, 인도네시아, Puerto Rico, 체코 공화국, 말레이시아, 덴마크, 루마니아
★ Turn your phone into a Walkie Talkie. Push to talk!
★ Free group calls and conference calls

* Get a real US phone number for free
* —————————————-
* Add 2nd, 3rd line to your phone/tablet
* —————————————-
* 부르다 & text to any phone numbers for free

무료 통화 & 무료 문자 메시지
Dingtone lets you make unlimited free internet calls to anyone over WiFi, 3G/4G data network without using any cell minutes; Invite your family members and friends to use the free phone call app for free internet calling and free SMS, and start saving money now.

Free U.S. Phone Number
A FREE U.S. phone number that really works!
It’s like a free second line to your phone
Clear calls on a new line
Turn your Android Pad into a real phone

Cheap or Free International Calls
Call any mobile/landline phone numbers in over 200 countries and regions at super low rates. Calls between Dingtone users are free. Caller ID is supported so that your friends know it is you who are calling.

Crystal Clear Calls
Voice calls are transmitted on Dingtone’s high-quality dedicated VoIP network. With HD voice technologies, most free online calls between Dingtone users have superior clarity to existing regular phone service. Free calls and cheap calls are no longer cheap quality! With Dingtone, you can make or receive calls even under bad cellular reception.

Walkie Talkie Re-invented
Tired of typing text messages on the small screen? Dingtone transforms your phone into a real Walkie Talkiesimply push a button and speak. It works like a two-way radio! Push to talk and voicemail are perfectly tied into one clean interface.

Amazing Premium Features
Visual voicemail with instant listening
Block unwanted calls to stop spammers
Numbers of Canada, 영국, 호주, 벨기에, Netherland…
Call forwarding to any phone numbers
Free numbers for social apps

★★★★★ Why use Dingtone ★★★★★

Dingtone is super simple and fast. You can use it when you have no cell minutes or under bad cellular. Just download Dingtone and you can make free international calls, send free SMS.

★ Free VoIP calls, free International calls
★ Free SMS text, free international texting
★ Great call quality, HD voice over 3G, 와이파이
★ Walkie Talkie mode for instant push to talk
★ Free group conference calls up to 8 사람들
★ Group messaging with up to 100+ 사람들

The best free calls & free texting app ever.

What’s new in this version of Dingtone?
  1. App performance optimized
  2. 벌레 & crash fixed

새로운 기능

버그 수정.

기술 APK 파일 정보:

  • 패키지 이름: me.dingtone.app.im
  • 버전: 4.15.7 (353)
  • 파일 크기: 37.6 메가바이트
  • 업데이트됨: 구월 17, 2020
  • 최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1 (젤리 빈, API 16)

Download Dingtone APK

Old Versions of Dingtone APK

이 APK 파일에 대한 추가 정보

패키지 이름: me.dingtone.app.im

버전: 4.12.3 (270)

파일 크기: 44.6 메가바이트

업로드됨: 십월 3, 2019

최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1 (젤리 빈, API 16)

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