지도 9.27.1 (927100124) APK 다운로드

지도 9.27.1  APK 다운로드

The Google Maps app for Android phones and tablets makes navigating your world faster and easier. Find the best spots in town and the information you need to get there.

• Comprehensive, accurate maps in 220 countries and territories
• Voice-guided GPS navigation for driving, biking, and walking
• Transit directions and maps for over 15,000 towns and cities
• Live traffic conditions, incident reports, and automatic rerouting to find the best route
• Detailed information on more than 100 million places
• Street View and indoor imagery for restaurants, museums, 그리고 더

* Some features not available in all countries

Popular tips
• Get better location accuracy http://goo.gl/OgnOsv
• Improve voice navigation http://goo.gl/bDMK6P
• Report wrong directions http://goo.gl/hyOG6m

More tips
Visit the help center: http://goo.gl/zganXz
Become a beta tester: http://goo.gl/vLUcaJ

새로운 기능

• See and suggest descriptions of places including features, atmosphere, and amenities.

Maps apk file Information:

파일 이름: com.google.android.apps.maps_v9.27.1-927100124_android-4.3.apk
버전: 9.27.1 (927100124)
여기에 업로드됨: 6월 8, 2016 ~에 11:30오후 GMT+00
안드로이드 버전 필요: 기계적 인조 인간 4.3+ (젤리 빈, API 18)

Download Google Maps APK v9.27:

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