당신의 안드로이드를 위한 간단하면서도 강력한 런처!
Hola 런처에 대한 추가 정보
Hola Launcher is a lightweight and quick android launcher. It offers neatly packed folders with some quick access widgets that offer high-speed mobile navigation. It comes with Voice search and has an intelligent menu that can be accessed just by swiping from a bottom corner. Plus you have a built-in Ram booster
This menu gives you quick access to frequently used applications and settings. Hola Launcher app also protects your privacy by hiding apps that you don’t want to be displayed. You also have a powerful search function that lets you easily find contacts, 앱, 그리고웹사이트.
Hola 실행기 (테마 & Wallpaper) 간단하면서도 강력한 휴대폰용 런처! 올인원 스피드 부스터, 배터리 세이버, charging protector and app manager to keep your phone running its best!
홀라 런처(주제 & 벽지), which has tons of brand-new themes and wallpapers & enriches your phone with unique style! Say goodbye to lag and slow ordinary UI’s, start a fast, smooth and glamorous new journey!
Boost your games and apps, free up memory (램), speed up your device and save more battery. 우리의 1 Tap Boost and Game Boost features make it easy to optimize directly from your home screen.
Accurately detect and repair battery drain problems, optimizing your phone in every aspect.
배터리 세이버
Intelligently adjust battery consumption according to usage, saves you all the battery power you need, for when you need it the most.
Monitor charging process in different stages, to ensure best performance.
앱 매니저
Uninstall unwanted apps or bloatware and back up important ones. Our own Picks section lets you find useful apps that match your interests.
게임 부스터
Automatically improve your game speeds by 30%+ when launching games.
앱 잠금
App Lock can lock Facebook, SMS, 콘택트 렌즈, 갤러리, or any other apps you choose. 앱 잠금 포함, only you can see the photos you protect. 개인 정보 보호가 그 어느 때보다 쉬워졌습니다.!
Ultimate solution for protecting privacy!★ OMNI SWIPE (Switch apps in seconds!)
Omni Swipe gives you quick access to other apps and tools without having to go back to your home screen.
Thousands of delicate themes in world’s largest theme gallery waiting for you to explore!
DIY your own themes, become a famous designer with fans!
visit here to find out more:
Any ideas or suggestions?
Looking forward to your feedback
이메일: [email protected]
페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/holaverse
Hola Launcher Apk file Information
- 패키지 이름: com.hola.launcher
- 버전: 3.2.5 (3256)
- 파일 크기: 7.6 메가바이트
- 업데이트됨: 5월 20, 2020
- 최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.0 (아이스크림 샌드위치, API 14)
- MD5: cb53f06efca90478b60959e059e387fc
- SHA1: ef91180716448d4d63d4c250b471aa6d3a528608
Download Hola Launcher APK Latest:
- Download Hola Launcher v3.2.5 (3256) APK>> 파일 크기: 6.16메가바이트
- Google Play에서 직접 설치
Older Version of Hola Launcher APK Available:
- 패키지 이름: com.hola.launcher
- 버전: 3.2.4 (3240)
- 파일 크기: 7.6 메가바이트
- 업로드됨: 2월 8, 2018
- 최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.0 (아이스크림 샌드위치, API 14)
- Download Hola Launcher v3.2.4 (3098) APK>> 파일 크기: 6.16메가바이트
- 홀라 런처 APK v3.2.5 (3256) 2025 최신 버전 업로드: 7월 12, 2017
- 홀라 런처 1.8.3 (1831) APK 업로드: 7월 12, 2016