나이트 스크린 9 APK

나이트 스크린 9 APK

야간 화면의 주요 목표는 기본 설정으로 얻을 수 있는 것보다 화면 밝기를 낮추는 것입니다.. This application applies an overlay filter that acts as a dimmer to darken the screen. It helps to avoid headache and eye pain in a dark environment or at night.
- 사용하기 쉽습니다;
– can automatically set default brightness settings in Android to the minimum;
– restore default brightness settings after stop the app;
– keep the screen on while the app is running (선택 과목);
– amazing blue light filter to help you have a better sleep (선택 과목)
– supports dimming the transparent navigation bar in Android 4.4 그리고 더 높은;
– extra-content: auto-enable & disable feature and one-click widget
How to make it work on Xiaomi phones: go to Settings – Apps – this app – allow popup

새로운 기능

– [PLUS version] removed old auto-disable feature;
– [PLUS version] added auto start-stop at selected time;
notification gets a new look
memory usage optimization
translation updates;
– 버그 수정
awesome blue-light filter to help you have a better sleep;

나이트 스크린 9 APK 1
안드로이드 필요 : 4.0.3 그리고 위로
에 의해 제공된 : Arrows app

나이트 스크린 9 APK


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