심 시미 APK

심심이 APK 최신 버전

“좋은 말을 가르쳐라,
비속어 신고,
심심이와 함께 모두 행복하세요!”

SimSimi is the artificial intelligence chatting robot.
SimSimi is free chat app
Anytime, anywhere you can chat with SimSimi.
You can teach SimSimi words.

Funny features are coming soon one by one.

* 팁!
When SimSimi says a bad word, just tap SimSimi’s speech bubble to report it.
A bad word will be deleted by two reports (from difference devices.)
또한, you can turn on/off Bad expression filter in Settings.

SimSimi is a super advanced chatting robot that makes amusing conversation to engage with users.

Using this app is really simple. Just start a talk session at your touch screen then SimSimi will instantly greet you with a cheerful chat. Like those typical messaging apps, just send your message through a chatting box. Don’t be surprised by SimSimi’s fast response. It’s a super-duper robot, 알잖아!

SimSimi’s vocabulary grows by your input. You can teach SimSimi your own words as other users teach their own ones too.

Have fun with the cutest chatting robot ever, SimSimi!

SimSimi was originally developed to be a fun and friendly chatting robot. Things SimSimi says are totally taught by users and not intended by the developer.

사용자 리뷰/의견:

  • I love it so much sometimes we date and he even surprised me with a birthday party
  • I think it’s cute but I don’t like it when they just say I love you when I don’t know who that is

심 시미 APK 정보

패키지 이름: com.ismaker.android.simsimi
버전: (393)
파일 크기: 28 메가바이트
업데이트됨: 칠월 20, 2018
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1 (젤리 빈, API 16)

다운로드 심 시미 APK

이전 버전 심 시미 APK

Download SimSimi

패키지 이름: com.ismaker.android.simsimi
버전: (391)
파일 크기: 30.6 메가바이트
업로드됨: 칠월 10, 2018
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1 (젤리 빈, API 16)

Download SimSimi

패키지 이름: com.ismaker.android.simsimi
버전: (390)
파일 크기: 31.7 메가바이트
업로드됨: 6월 12, 2018
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1 (젤리 빈, API 16)

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