Snapseed v2.14.0.141187073 APK

Snapseed is a photo editing tool developed by Google.Ltd. If you take a lot of photos and edit them then you must have heard the name of Snapseed photo editing app. Snapseed is a powerful photo editing app. It is free to use and download for Android devices. Take pictures on your mobile device, apply Snapseed’s filters, and share them on social media platforms.

You are downloading Snapseed APK v2.14.0.141187073 (227897).

Snapseed is a complete and professional photo editor developed by Google. Its features include 25 Tools and Filters, 포함: Healing, Brush, Structure, HDR, Perspective, Opens JPG and DNG files etc.

Snapseed APK file Information

파일 이름: com.niksoftware.snapseed_v2.14.0.141187073-227897_Android-4.1.apk
버전: (227897)
업로드됨: 12월 17, 2016 ~에 4:56오후 GMT+00
파일 크기: 31.41메가바이트 (32,931,487 바이트)
최소 안드로이드 버전: 기계적 인조 인간 4.1+ (젤리 빈, API 16)

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