TouchPal 이모티콘 키보드: 아바타Moji, 3D테마, GIF APK 다운로드 v6.9.7.2_20190108150809 최신 버전

TouchPal 이모티콘 키보드 다운로드: 아바타Moji, 3D테마, GIFs APK 다운로드 최신 버전은 여기에서 Android 휴대전화나 태블릿용으로 무료로 다운로드할 수 있습니다.…

Come and DIY your emoji keyboard themes, emoji keyboard layout, emoji keyboard font, and emoji keyboard color with TouchPal emoji keyboard for Android!
? 새로운: AvatarMoij is coming now! Come and create your own fancy emojis to share with your friends.
TouchPal Emoji Keyboard for Android is a free and smart keyboard app to help you to type faster, easier, and livelier with gesture keyboard, prediction and over 5000+emojis, stickers and fantastic keyboard themes. You can input fast with 5000+emojis keyboards, GIFs keyboards, emoticons keyboards, stickers keyboards and text face keyboards conveniently. TouchPal Emoji Keyboard is the Winner of GSMA Global Mobile Awards ? and it will redefine your typing experience. TouchPal Emoji Keyboard is compatible with all social apps: 왓츠앱, 페이스북, 선, 위챗, 등. Get TouchPal Emoji Android Keyboard now!

Highlights of TouchPal Emoji Keyboard for Android devices
Fast typing: Autocorrect, word and emoji prediction, best swype keyboard.
Thousands of free emojis, 스티커, GIF, 이모티콘, and dictionaries.
Customizable keyboard color, keyboard layout and keyboard wallpaper.
DIY keyboard theme: Create your own fancy keyboard theme with personal photo.
Text face keyboard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), (ʘ‿ʘ) .

Best Prediction function of words and emoji
Autocorrect: 가장 강력한 오류 수정, auto-correct mistyping, spelling errors.
Emoji Prediction: Show suggested emojis, emoticons as candidate.
Contextual Prediction: Enhance next word prediction by cloud prediction computing.

? Futuristic and black technology of BOOMTEXT and GIFs
Turn your text into funny and cute animations or GIFs, it makes your text message more lively!

? Useful gadgets, improve productivity ?
TouchPal emoji keyboard Curve, best swipe keyboardsliding to input smoothly.
Auto-pair for symbols like () “”. Long press on the symbol to try it.
Best T9 keyboard among typing apps
– 복사, 자르다, 반죽, arrow key.
Clipboard for multiple fast copy and paste.

Enable TouchPal Emoji Keyboard App for android
Open TouchPal Emoji keyboard app.
Press Enable TouchPal keyboard, check the TouchPal keyboard box on the Languages & Settings page to enable.
Press Switch to TouchPal keyboard, check the TouchPal keyboard box to switch your current keyboard to TouchPal keyboard.

Support multiple emojis, emoji and keyboard theme plugins
Golden, unicorn, gunnery, 파란색, skull, purple, pink, red, dark, 호랑이, vampire, wolf, neon blue, neon light, cute kitty, OS7, OS10, glass water, droid, 낙서, sky, galaxy, swift, custom.

?️ Multilingual Typing ?️
TouchPal Emoji Keyboard supports over 150 언어, 포함하되 이에 국한되지는 않습니다.
Keyboard English, Keyboard العربية, Keyboard Hrvatski, Keyboard Čeština, Keyboard Nederlands, Keyboard Français, Keyboard Deutsch, Keyboard Ελληνικά, Keyboard עִברִית, हिंदी, Keyboard Bahasa, Keyboard Indonesia, Keyboard Italiano, Keyboard Malay, Keyboard Pilipino, Keyboard Polskie, Keyboard Português, Keyboard Română, Keyboard Русский, Teclado Español, 태국어, 터키어

Permission Explanation
– 연락처 읽기: Import contact names into dictionary.
Read SMS: Learn your typing pattern from the sent messages.
Make a phone call: Quick dial to a contactAll in one click.

Support Android Wear
TouchPal for Wear version can run even without phone connected.
Support swiping typing on the wrist.
– 이모티콘, prediction, auto-correctionmost of the amazing features are included in Wear version.

***More ideas & 피드백? 연락하다: [email protected]


새로운 기능

아바타Moji Live: 나만의 AvataMoji를 만들고 친구, 가족과 재미있는 대화를 나눠보세요..
페르시아어 키보드를 최적화하여 더욱 친숙하게 만들기. TouchPal 키보드를 즐기시기 바랍니다.

사용자 리뷰/의견:

  • Was rating you 5 stars for a little over 3 years now, but now I’m going with a 2. Here recently my phone has been lagging horribly. I keep getting an error with BeiTaPlugin. If you could fix, it would be great. 고맙습니다
  • Problem with the gif keyboard, I was searching for a gif but then when I click search the keyboard resets and never showed the gif i’m searching . 고쳐주세요, will uninstall this atm while you all at it.
  • I paid to not have adsguess what pops up every time I close an app or open this damn keyboard… 업데이트: found out one of the aquarium live wallpapers has beita adware attached to it.. dont know the specific name and it hides deep in the phone. had to do a factory reset. the aquarium wallpaper is livehas kois i do believeand bubble noises for the tap sound

TouchPal 이모티콘 키보드: 아바타Moji, 3D테마, GIFs (팔-v7a) 파일 정보

버전: (5309)
패키지: com.emoji.keyboard.touchpal
파일 크기: 38.82 메가바이트 (40,704,645 바이트)
분: 기계적 인조 인간 4.0.3 (아이스크림 샌드위치 MR1, API 15)
업로드됨 : 1월 8, 2019 ~에 3:27오후

TouchPal 이모티콘 키보드 다운로드: 아바타Moji, 3D테마, GIFs (팔-v7a) APK

이전 버전

TouchPal 이모티콘 키보드: 아바타Moji, 3D테마, GIFs (팔-v7a)

버전: (5308)
패키지: com.emoji.keyboard.touchpal
파일 크기: 38.67 메가바이트 (40,552,582 바이트)
분: 기계적 인조 인간 4.0.3 (아이스크림 샌드위치 MR1, API 15)
업로드됨: 12월 30, 2018 ~에 12:46오후

TouchPal 이모티콘 키보드: 아바타Moji, 3D테마, GIFs (팔-v7a)

버전: (5307)
패키지: com.emoji.keyboard.touchpal
파일 크기: 38.51 메가바이트 (40,380,758 바이트)
분: 기계적 인조 인간 4.0.3 (아이스크림 샌드위치 MR1, API 15)
업로드됨: 12월 22, 2018 ~에 12:07오후

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