WhatsApp 플러스 v7.20 APK 다운로드 2019 최신 버전

WhatsApp Plus APK: Since the evolution of the digital world, Social Networking and chatting Apps have got an enormous user base. 이것, in turn, leads to a revolution in the way people communicate on a daily basis. WhatsApp has a dominating hand when it comes to messaging apps., so it’s natural that many are wrapping their startup models around tweaking WhatsApp. WhatsApp Plus is the newest edition of tweaked WhatsApp versions followed by GB왓츠앱, OG왓츠앱, and WhatsApp Plus++, 왓츠앱 레드.

If there’s one application that can’t go missing on any smartphone in the world, whether Android or iPhone, it definitely has to be WhatsApp. The instant messaging and chat app conquered millions of users some time ago, who forgot about sending SMS messages and moved over to this service that’s based on traffic sent over data networks.

잘, 이상으로 1 billion active users all over the world and purchased by Facebook, it has consolidated as one of the most downloaded apps in the world. 그러므로, nobody should be surprised that dozens of third-party applications have been developed to try to take advantage of this service.

Amongst the most popular applications of this nature, we have to mention왓츠앱 플러스, a mod that we can download for free to customize the application with options that go way beyond those offered natively by WhatsApp.

And now that you know what왓츠앱 플러스 is… What’s it for?

잘, as we said above, it can be used tocustomize the messaging and chat app. It’s mainly aimed at all those users that aren’t fully satisfied with the latter, and that simply use it because everybody else does so too, even if there are other alternatives of the likes of Telegram that may be better.

Similar to other tweaked versions, WhatsApp Plus does many things that normal WhatsApp cannot perform. Hiding Blue ticks, Changing the theme and even sharing the theme via .xml files is one of the major attractions of WhatsApp Plus APK. Download WhatsApp Plus APK to start revoking messages and get more out of your chatting.

WhatsApp Plus APK

About appWhatsApp Plus APK is developed with the sole intention of bringing a new chat experience to the users. All these premium features like Last seen hiding, Design customization, Revoking deleted messages aren’t available in basic version which makes WhatsApp Plus a must have app in all mobiles. The app is free of cost and requires manual installation.

메모: WhatsApp Plus is a not recognized by Google Play Store and is not available on it’s app platform. To install WhatsApp Plus APK on your devices, please download it from below and follow the installation instructions.

앱 이름왓츠앱 플러스
파일 형식APK
크기36.7 메가바이트
지원되는 장치기계적 인조 인간 4.0+
루트 필수아니요
마지막 업데이트 날짜10월 11 2018


  • Auto reply enabled to send per-planned to friends, 여러 떼.
  • Hide your last seen from everyone or particular contacts.
  • Disable Blue Ticks, Delivered Ticks for the receiver.
  • Revoke messages that are deleted.
  • Quality of Video Call better than general version.
  • Option to disable/enable Voice calling, audio recording.
  • Change theme and colors of WhatsApp Plus and share with friends.
  • ‘Online Always’ option to keep the status online 24*7.


How to download & Install WhatsApp Plus APK

After downloading the file from above, your WhatsApp file will be saved in your ‘Downloads’ folder. This is accessible through the default File Manager on your device. As we are updating WhatsApp to WhatsApp Plus, there is no need of deleting the previous version. But you must enable third party apps installation before updating WhatsApp. 이것을하기 위해, Go to Menu>설정>보안. Here tick the ‘Allow app installations from Unknown Sources’ box to allow third party apps. Once you do this, follow these steps.

  • Do not uninstall the previous version of WhatsApp Plus APK, we are updating a patch of features on it through WhatsApp Plus.
  • Go to downloads folder and click on ‘WhatsApp Plus APK’ file. This will start installing the patch on old WhatsApp.
  • Once updated, WhatsApp will be revoked to an early stage version. Do not panic as all your data is still in the app.
  • Open the app and Click on ‘Agree and Continue’ for terms and conditions. When asked to restore or delete data, click on ‘RESTORE’. This will bring all your contacts, chats into WhatsApp Plus version.
  • 지금, choose your Country verify your Mobile via OTP.
  • WhatsApp Plus APK is successfully installed on your Android device. You can also use dual WhatsApp using this feature.

How to install WhatsApp Plus for PC?

  • To install this updated version on your Windows PC, you need to follow the same steps. 하지만, as Windows doesn’t support Android apps., you need to download an Android emulator to install WhatsApp Plus on PC.
  • Go to www.bluestacks.com and install the Android Emulator. Once installed, open emulator and choose ‘Upload APK’ option. Here upload our download file and follow the above steps.
  • Pin the app on your desktop to open it directly via Home screen.
  • Download More Apps like this from our MOD APK Section and get the latest Android apps from APK Uncle.

최신 버전의 새로운 기능?

The main changes introduced into this new version of the MOD are the following

  • Developed upon WhatsApp 2.19.53.
  • 반역 시스템.

WhatsApp Plus APK Download v7.20

요구 사항 및 추가 정보:

  • 최소 운영 체제 요구 사항: 기계적 인조 인간 4.0.3.
  • The installation of the app by means of the APK file requires the activation of the “출처를 알 수없는” 설정 내의 옵션>애플리케이션.

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