Rejestrator rozmów APK v6.06.1 dla Androida

Najlepszy rejestrator rozmów, automatyczny rejestrator rozmów, phone call recorder
By using Call recorder, You can automatic call recording and save any phone call you want.
You can set which calls are recorded to white list and which are ignored.
Listen to the recording, add notes and share it. Synchronized to the cloud as well.
You can set a conversation is important, save it and it will be stored in the important tab.
Jeśli nie, old recordings will automatically be deleted when new calls fill up the inbox.

A lot of functions for callrecording,all you need is in this call recording app.


Record your calls automatically while calling.
Organize your call records. You can view all your calls with options such as list by time, group by names or group by dates..
You can play back, or save your call to mp3 files on your SD card.
Automatic call recorder
Record outgoing callrecord incoming calls
Record all telofonnyh conversations.
Play audio recorded conversations.
Delete recorded conversations.
Blocking of the calls listed to the automatic removal.
Send calls to listed to email.
Show confirmation dialog for saving the recorded call. Ask immediately after the call and set up in the options.
– Szukaj
White list
Black list
– I wiele więcej …
Set source (mikrofon, rozmowa głosowa, a video camera)

Auto call recorder is a the best free call recorder application with these features.


Record incoming call
Record Outgoing call
– Szukaj
Marking recordings as important
– Wielokrotny wybór, usuwać, wysłać
Displaying contact name and photo
Excluded numbers
Set password to protect privacy
Lots of recording formats
Set source (mikrofon, Voice call, camcorder)
Ability start delayed recording
Different recording modes by number, kontakt, bezkontaktowe lub tylko wybrane kontakty
Enable/Disable call recording
Records all your phone calls
Play recorded audio
Delete recorded items
Lock recorded items to prevent from auto-cleaning
Share recorded items
Confirmation dialog: Would you like to keep recorded call that is shown just after the call (only in Pro version).
White list
– I wiele więcej…
Share files:
– Dropbox
– Google
– SMS-y
– Skype'a, FaceBooks

If app doesn’t work for your phone or quality is low:
1. Try to change different recording file types: ogg, mp3, Ar, mpg in settings.
2. Try to change Source: MIC or VOICE CALL in settings

Thank for download call recorder app, we also have pro version for your choosing to remove ads
If you have some suggestions, please contact us

Kategoria: Narzędzia
System operacyjny: Android
Cena £: Bezpłatny

Recenzje/Opinie użytkowników:

  • This app is exactly what I expected it to be. Exactly as described in the explanation before downloading it . Yes there are ads but they do no effect the use of the app . They are only on the very lower part of my screen and easily ignored if I choose to ignore . I highly recommend trying this app. I’ve been using it for roughly 1 month with no negative issues . Thanks to the developer. Much appreciated.
  • Was an awesome app..when it worked. Ale już, too many ads for an app that no longer works. For a few past months, all my recordings were recording my voice only, not the other party. I waited to see if any updates will fix this issue. None has fixed my issue. And after reading the comments, I made attempts to change the settings (format/source) to see if I can get it to work but it didn’t. Thank you for a good app while it worked. Niestety, I did not think trying the paid app to see if it works, when the free version doesn’t, is not something I find to be an intelligent move.
  • Does not record person being spoken to unless there’s a setting I don’t see. If it is that then it defaults to not recording other person, still not helpful. Also records all calls by default. Would be helpful if it integrated default call app to allow record call option during call pickup/dialing


Nazwa pakietu: com.appstar.callrecorder
Wersja: 6.06.1 (172)
Rozmiar pliku: 9.4 MB
Zaktualizowano: Luty 12, 2020
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 4.0 (Lodowa Kanapka, API 14)

DOWNLOAD Call recorder 1.36.3557.173 (36) APK

Stare wersje

DOWNLOAD Call recorder 1.36.3557.173 (36) APK

Nazwa pakietu: com.toh.callrecord
Wersja: 1.36.3557.173 (36)
Rozmiar pliku: 7.9 MB
Zaktualizowano: Marsz 30, 2018
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 4.0 (Lodowa Kanapka, API 14)

Automatyczna sekretarka 1.35.3557.159

Nazwa pakietu: com.toh.callrecord
Wersja: 1.35.3557.159 (35)
Rozmiar pliku: 6.9 MB
Załadowany: Sierpień 21, 2017
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 4.0 (Lodowa Kanapka, API 14)

Automatyczna sekretarka 1.32.3557.151

Nazwa pakietu: com.toh.callrecord
Wersja: 1.32.3557.151 (32)
Rozmiar pliku: 6.9 MB
Załadowany: Sierpień 17, 2017
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 4.0 (Lodowa Kanapka, API 14)

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