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Perfect Viewer is a very fast image/comics/ebook viewer.

*Turn black/white image into 4 colorize image(Only available for donated users. Need install Perfect Viewer donation application).
*Page layout: Auto single page, Auto dual page, Auto switch by screen orientation
*Support eEook file format: EPUB, HTML, tekst
*Support image file format: JPG, PNG, GIF-y, BMP, WebP, TIFF
*Support archive file format: CBZ/ZIP, CBR/RAR, 7Z/CB7, LZH, CBT/TAR
*Support PDF, XPS & DJVU file after install the PDF plugin
*Open file from network file sharing(CIFS/SAMBA), FTP, SFTP, FTPS, OPDS
*Require internet permission for CIFS/SAMBA support.
*Support open files from Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive after install the source plugin
*Require “Get_accounts” oraz “UŻYJ_CREDENTIALS” permission for Google Drive support
*Wspierać się 3 viewer mode: Page mode, Vertical scroll mode (PDF viewer,webtoon like) and Horizontal scroll mode.
*Smooth filters: Averaging, Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos3;
*Five view mode: Full size, Fit Screen, Fit Width, Fit Height, Fixed size, Stretch;
*Support Left-to-right & right-to-left reading
*Ustaw obraz jako tapetę
*Browse image in folder/archive as thumbnail
*Bookshelf function
*Support pinch to zoom & fling gesture
*Simple bookmark function
*My favorites management
*Cache next and previous page
*Simple file management(usuwać, Przemianować)
*Pokaz slajdów
*Support extract files from archive
*Adjust image brightness,kontrast & gamma
*Auto cut off white border.
*Support Google Chromecast
*Balloon magnifier

Kategoria: Komiksy
System operacyjny: Android
Cena £: Bezpłatny


2018/07/27 Wersja
-Naprawił : Continuance show restart message2018/07/19 Version 4.2
Changed:”Open filerename toFile browser
Dodany:Nowy “Open filefunction using system built-in file picker
Dodany:Nowy “Folder shortcutssection inFile browser
Dodany:”File browser” oraz “Boolshelfnow have single select mode (default) and multi-select mode
Dodany:”Deblock filterto remove block artifacts on low quality jpeg file
Dodany:Support Android 7.1+ APP shortcut.

Recenzje/Opinie użytkowników:

  • Excellent app, description could be more forthcoming about separate plugins for other features. Will definitely be getting thedonation” wersja; this app more than deserves it.
  • It’s Good part but some times it’s open in downloads files or particular zip file But in other folder only particular file open but we can’t read further pages
  • It just works really well. Every so often I try a different reader , Ale – so faralways come back to this one …. 4yrs later update; doesn’t recognise cbr files. Bezużyteczny
  • Haven’t found any other image viewer that even comes close to this 🙂 great for those with tons of manga in archives. Sure it takes time to setup, but when you do get it. It makes you wonder why not all apps give you this freedom in controls.


Nazwa pakietu: com.rookiestudio.perfectviewer
Wersja: (10000574)
Rozmiar pliku: 12.8 MB
Zaktualizowano: Lipiec 27, 2018
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 2.3.2 (piernik, API 9)

DOWNLOAD Perfect Viewer (10000574) APK

Stare wersje

Perfect Viewer

Nazwa pakietu: com.rookiestudio.perfectviewer
Wersja: (10000571)
Rozmiar pliku: 12.8 MB
Załadowany: Lipiec 26, 2018
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 2.3.2 (piernik, API 9)

Perfect Viewer

Nazwa pakietu: com.rookiestudio.perfectviewer
Wersja: (10000564)
Rozmiar pliku: 13.2 MB
Załadowany: Czerwiec 27, 2018
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 2.3.2 (piernik, API 9)

Perfect Viewer

Nazwa pakietu: com.rookiestudio.perfectviewer
Wersja: (10000562)
Rozmiar pliku: 13.2 MB
Załadowany: Czerwiec 13, 2018
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 2.3.2 (piernik, API 9)

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