Uber Eats: Local Food Delivery APK Latest Version
Hungry? Get the food you want, from the restaurants you love, delivered at Uber speed.
Eat what you like, where you like, when you like. Find the local flavors you crave, all at the tap of a button.
Browse local restaurants and fast food favorites for inspiration. Or get just what you’re looking for by searching for a specific restaurant, dish, or cuisine. Pizza. Burritos. Burgers. Sushi. If you’re hungry for it, try Uber Eats.
When you’re ready to place your order, you’ll see your delivery address, an estimated delivery time, and the total price including tax and booking fee. Tap to seamlessly pay with your Uber account, or add a credit card. Track your order in real-time as it heads your way.
Uber Eats is currently available in cities and metro areas including Abu Dhabi, Adelaide, Amsterdam, Atlanta, Auckland, Austin, Baltimore, Bangkok, Bogota, Brisbane, Brussels, Cape Town, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Dubai, Hongkong, Johannesburg, Glasgow, Liverpool, Londyn, Los Angeles, Madryt, Melbourne, Meksyk, Miami, Mediolan, Moscow, Mumbai, Nashville, New Delhi, New Orleans, Nowy Jork, Ottawa, Paryż, Philadelphia, Rio de Janeiro, San Diego, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Singapur, Stockholm, Sydnej, Taipei, Tokyo, Toronto, Vienna, Warsaw, and Washington DC.
Uber Eats helps you find food delivery around the world. Order delivery in Australia, Belgia, Brazylia, Kanada, Chiny, Kolumbia, Francja, Japonia, Indie, Singapur, South Korea, Meksyk, Nowa Zelandia, Polska, Rosja, South Africa, Hiszpania, Tajwan, Tajlandia, United Arab Emirates, Zjednoczone Królestwo, Stany Zjednoczone, i więcej.
Not in your city yet? We hope to be soon! Head to https://about.ubereats.com/cities/ for a current list of all the cities we serve.
- I’ve used it twice so far and it seems great. The prices are great. I wish there were more places to get food from but I’m sure they will eventually get them with time. They will also sometimes have a place you can get food from then take it away. But I dont know if that’s the app or the restaura…
UberEATS – Food Delivery file information
Nazwa pakietu: com.ubercab.eats
Wersja: 1.159.10001 (949)
Rozmiar pliku: 33.7 MB
Zaktualizowano: Lipiec 18, 2018
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 5.0 (Lizak, API 21)
Download Uber Eats: APK z lokalną dostawą żywności
OLD VERSIONS of Uber Eats: APK z lokalną dostawą żywności
Download UberEATS – Food Delivery 1.158.10000
Nazwa pakietu: com.ubercab.eats
Wersja: 1.158.10000 (938)
Rozmiar pliku: 33.6 MB
Załadowany: Lipiec 11, 2018
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 5.0 (Lizak, API 21)
Download UberEATS – Food Delivery 1.157.10001
Nazwa pakietu: com.ubercab.eats
Wersja: 1.157.10001 (931)
Rozmiar pliku: 33.4 MB
Załadowany: Lipiec 4, 2018
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 5.0 (Lizak, API 21)