Ekstraktor APK 4.0.5 (14011) Pobierz najnowszą wersję APK

Ekstraktor APK 4.0.5 Pobierz najnowszą wersję APK

Apk Extractor will extracts APK that are installed on your android device and copies them to your SD card. It is Fast, easy to use and it can also extract system applications. No root is required and it can extract all apks by holding long click on any item.

APK Extractor will extracts APK that are installed on your android device and copies them to your SD card.

★ Fast and easy to use.
★ Extracts almost all application,including system applications.
★ No ROOT access required.
★ By Default Apk’s will be saved in /sdcard/ExtractedApks/.
★ Provided Search option to search applications.
★ Compatible with latest version of Android 6.0
★ Saved apk format AppName_AppPackage_AppVersionName_AppVersionCode.apk.
★ Can extract multiple/all APK’s by holding long click on any item.

Interested in translating the application in your local language ? Strings are available in GitHub https://github.com/meher421/ExtractorStrings/tree/master/values .Please email me translated strings.


Added option in settings to remove application name , as a part of Apk file naming convention.

Apk Extractor file Information:

Nazwa pliku: com.ext.ui_v4.0.5-14011_Android-4.0.apk
Wersja: 4.0.5 (14011)
Przesłane tutaj: Kwiecień 14, 2016 w 12:48AM GMT + 00 AM
Wymagana wersja Androida: Android 4.0+ (Lodowa Kanapka, API 14)

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