Citrix Workspace APK Download v18.12.0.0 (Android 4.4+) Ostatnia wersja

Download Citrix Workspace APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet

The new Citrix Workspace app (formerly known as Citrix Receiver) provides a great user experiencea secure, contextual, and unified workspaceon any device. It gives you instant access to all your SaaS and web apps, your mobile and virtual apps, akta, and desktops from an easy-to-use, all-in-one interface powered by Citrix Workspace services.

Using your mobile and virtualized applications, files and desktops is faster and easier than ever. Just ask your IT department how to get started.
• Work on your favorite device from wherever you are
• Access email or other corporate applications
• Access your files, aplikacje, desktop from your phone, tablet, or all in one from a unified view
• Provide single sign on capabilities with Citrix SecureHub and Citrix Files.

Location and Sensor Virtual Channel:
This virtual channel allows Workspace to redirect sensor information to applications running on server. Na przykład, applications can use accelerometer data to drive 3D-modelling application, use ambient light level to control the brightness of the screen, use location data to alter behavior of application, i tak dalej.

Support for Citrix Ready workspace hub:
Built on the Raspberry Pi 3 platforma, the Citrix Ready workspace hub provides a secure connection to authorized apps and data. Citrix Workspace app for Android supports user authentication to Citrix Ready workspace hubs as an experimental feature. This allows authenticated users to cast their sessions to a hub. The feature is disabled by default.
Notatka: Location permission is required for the Citrix Ready workspace hub experimental feature. You can deny this permission if there are no workspace hubs present.

Problemy z pobieraniem lub instalacją aplikacji? Zobacz Https://

Nadal potrzebujesz pomocy? Powiedz nam więcej o problemie.

If your company doesn’t use Citrix yet, you can install Citrx Workspace app and request a demo account by “Try the demo” in Citrix Workspace app.

For more information about Citrix Workspace app, visit the product documentation


Additional option ‘Ask every timefor Device Storage preferences
LC9608 : On a VDA Version 7.6, tapping the application keyboard might result in a black screen instead of the keyboard.
RFANDROID-2594: In case of Single Sign-on apps such as Workflow and Citrix Files, when Citrix Workspace app is not running and the token is expired, the apps does not prompt for token refresh.

Recenzje/Opinie użytkowników:

  • his app previously worked well for me, but something changed and my log-in procedure requires me to answer a question after typing in my credentials. I can no longer see what the question is, and therefore can’t log-in. If this could be resolved, I would rate this app higher
  • Citrix desktop shows in a faded white so that I couldn’t read anything on the screen properly. This is only happens to me while using desktop alone. Not for the mail or other apps. Please fix the white fade issue
  • Received call from the IT department at my hospital stating chrome OS does not support citrix and therefore they are able to offer any solution to not being able to log onto citrix
  • Tunneling error. Latest Android. Older APK versions work. Proszę napraw, the point of Citrix is it’s supposed to be platform independent. Please test receiver on all current version platforms before publishing.

Citrix Workspace (Android 4.4+) INFORMACJE O PLIKU

Wersja: (96)
Pakiet: com.citrix.Receiver
Rozmiar pliku: 26.99 MB (28,300,446 bajty)
min: Android 4.4 (Kit Kat, API 19)
Załadowany: Grudzień 10, 2018 w 11:04PO POŁUDNIU

Download Citrix Workspace (Android 4.4+)APK

Stare wersje

Citrix Workspace (Android 4.4+)

Wersja: (94)
Pakiet: com.citrix.Receiver
Rozmiar pliku: 26.98 MB (28,288,606 bajty)
min: Android 4.4 (Kit Kat, API 19)
Załadowany: Listopad 6, 2018 w 3:25JESTEM
Citrix Workspace (Android 4.4+)
Wersja: (92)
Pakiet: com.citrix.Receiver
Rozmiar pliku: 26.98 MB (28,288,066 bajty)
min: Android 4.4 (Kit Kat, API 19)
Załadowany: Październik 12, 2018 w 9:57PO POŁUDNIU

Citrix Workspace (Android 4.4+)

Wersja: (90)
Pakiet: com.citrix.Receiver
Rozmiar pliku:26.98 MB (28,286,334 bajty)
min: Android 4.4 (Kit Kat, API 19)
Załadowany: Wrzesień 27, 2018 w 10:08PO POŁUDNIU

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