Google Earth wersja (151260712) NAJNOWSZE APK

Google Earth APK Download

Google Earth dla Androida umożliwia eksplorację globu za pomocą machnięcia palca.

• Leć przez miasta 3D, takie jak Londyn, Tokyo and Rome
• Dive in to view the world at street level with integrated Street View
• Use the Tour Guide to discover exciting new places to explore
• Browse layers like Wikipedia or Photos to learn more about a place
• Visit the Maps Gallery to find interesting maps, np. plot real-time earthquakes, planes in flight, view hiking trails and more

Make sure that you check out the in-app tutorial to learn how to navigate like a pro.

Happy exploring!

Earth APK v8.0.2.2334 (151260712). Google Earth dla Androida umożliwia eksplorację globu za pomocą machnięcia palca. Fly through 3D cities like London, Tokyo and Rome etc.


What’s new in 8.0.0
* Enhanced user interface, menu changes and simplified layers panel with new Photos layer
* Improved styling for roads and labels, smoother transitions
* Support for Google Drive (view KML/KMZ files)

Earth apk file Information:

Nazwa pliku:
Wersja: (151260712)
Załadowany: 16:08:32 – 05/26/2016
Wymagana wersja Androida: Android 4.0+ (Lodowa Kanapka, API 14)

Download Google Earth APK v8.0:

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