jak zainstalować plik apk na telefonie z Androidem, Tablet lub komputer?

jak zainstalować plik apk na telefonie z Androidem, Tablet

Co to jest plik APK?

Just like Windows Computer systems use an .ex file for installing softwares, W systemie Android oprogramowanie robi to samo. jakiś .APK file is the file format used for installing software on the Android operating system.


How to install APK Files from your computer

There are many sources of APK files across the web, but be sure to choose a site you trust. Some APK files may contain malicious software (złośliwe oprogramowanie) which could compromise your phone’s security. It is best to be cautious before downloading or installing any app from outside of the Play Store.

Generally speaking, APK files found on sites like DownloadAppsApk.comshould be safer to download than from elsewhere, but read some reviews and user comments before downloading or installing an APK.

1. Download APK File using you PC/Computer

W tej metodzie, you will use your PC to download apk file from internet and using your Android USB cord, you will copy the .apk file from PC (that you downloaded from internet) to your SD card. To download the Android apps on your PC.

Follow the steps below to install .apk files to Android device:

  • Use your PC to download .apk files from internet in your computer
  • If you have downloaded some Android apps in your PC
  • Make sure that you have allowed to install third-party Android apps.
  1. Using the Web browser on your Android phone, go to the third-party app site.
  2. Search for the apps you want. …
  3. Download the app to your phone.
  4. Open your file browser app and locate the APK (Android Package) plik.
  5. Install the APK file.
  • Ściągnij ES File Explorer File Manager and install on your Android device
  • Ale już, connect your Android device with your PC via USB cord
  • Tutaj, your PC inquire you about the current condition to connect your device as a media device or you just want to charge your device (Wybierać Media Device)
  • otwarty My Computer and go to device media, here all you need to do is to copy the downloaded .apk file to a folder of SD Card of your device

How to install .apk file on Android device

  • Final step, just Unplug your Android device from PC
  • In your Android device, search for the .apk plik that you have downloaded earlier
  • Once you found the file on your SD card, just tap on it then tap on zainstalowaćbutton to start installing

2. Download APK Files using your Android Device

Dobra, if you know how to use internet and know how to search like boss then I’m sure that you can easily download apk files on your Android device from internet. Follow these steps if you are beginner user of Android:

  • Po pierwsze, open up your browser in your Android device (whether it is Google chrome browser or Opera mini or one of these top 10 internet browsers for Android)
  • Go to google.com
  • Search “Plants vs Zoombies .apk download” (without quotes)
  • Ale już, go to any of Google search results and find download link to download plants vs zoombies .apk file
  • Once downloaded, drag down the notification bar from top of your Android device screen and tap to plantsvszoombies.apk file
  • Ale już, simple click the button Install app that you will see after you clicked the .apk file
  • Wreszcie, the application will be started to install in your Android that you can enjoy whenever and wherever you want (Even without internet connection)

Gratulacje, you have successfully learnt how to install .apk files in Android devices in one-click away.

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