Kernel Toolkit 1.2.1 NAJNOWSZA WERSJA APK


Download Kernel Toolkit 1.2.1 APK dla Twojego telefonu komórkowego z Androidem, Tablet LUB dowolne urządzenie z Androidem z z bezpośrednim łączem.

** Any bug reports, or feature suggestions? Check out my support thread on XDA: or email me

** GPU settings have moved from CPU to MISC group. Any backups including GPU settings will be automatically converted.

** App is ready to be translated to other languages. If you’d like to see the app in your native language, please contact me via email or on XDA. If you’re willing to do the translations (very fast and simple process) I should have it ready within 24 hours of completion.

Kernel Toolkit allows you to get the most out of your rooted device. Take full control of your device and increase performance and battery life.
The purpose of this app is to make tuning your kernel easy and simple to understand. Always looking to add new features, PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me with a feature request.


Kernel Toolkit 1.2.1 Informacje o pliku APK:

Nazwa pliku: com.dsmartapps.root.kerneltweaker.apk
Wersja: 1.2.1
Załadowany: wrzesień 26, 2016 w 12:47 PM GMT+00
Rozmiar pliku: 1.5M
Minimalna wersja Androida: 4.1 i do góry

Rozwijaćr: Smart apps

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