Microsoft Azure APK Download v1.0.35.2018.12.06-17.57.01 Latest version

Download Microsoft Azure APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet

The Microsoft Azure app helps you keep track of your resources while on-the-go:
Stay connected to the cloud and check status and critical metrics anytime, gdziekolwiek
Stay informed with notifications and alerts about important health issues
Stay in control of your resources and take corrective actions, like starting and stopping VMs and web apps


Microsoft collects data to operate effectively and provide you with the best experiences in our products. This mobile application may collect personal information, na przykład, the email address used to log in. We do not share your information with third-parties. We do not use your information for marketing purposes.
If you do not agree with Microsoft collecting this data, please do not log into the application and delete it from your device.


Thank you for using the Azure app. Our regular updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make the app faster and more reliable. Please reach out to us for any questions, concerns or feature requests.

W tej wersji, you can also find the following enhancements:

* Ulepszenia interfejsu użytkownika
* Poprawki błędów
* Crash fixes

Let us know how we can improve the app! We’d love to hear from you.

Recenzje/Opinie użytkowników:

  • This app was so useful, but the latest updates has broken it on my OnePlus6. It just sits on its opening loading screen and refuses to proceed. No settings or options, just useless no. Please fix it quick!
  • Need more information from developer perspective. Couldn’t dig deep in failed request, Dependency failures. As a developer I should know each and every failed request and what is the reason behind.
  • Is there no option to actually see the costs for your subscription within the app? I believe this might be useful for a mobile admin who needa to check things quickly
  • Doesn’t show VMs. Other esouces are visible, but not my VMs. This may be related to account types, but the Azure experience is inconsistent between platforms.
  • This is app that you can’t actually do anything. I feel that the only thing I can do is to follow the metrics, but for example most important thing I would like to do is to see logs but as it can’t be done so this is pretty useless.
  • Simply put: WOW!! Czysty, fast and well designed app that does everything I need to manage and monitor my Azure resources, i więcej! The Cloud Shell integration is AMAZING!!! Poważnie, how cool is it to have a bash console on your phone WITH the power of Azure included with it?!

Microsoft Azure (Android 5.1+) INFORMACJE O PLIKU

Wersja: (201812061)
Rozmiar pliku: 51.4 MB (53,898,733 bajty)
min: Android 5.1 (Lizak MR1, API 22)
Załadowany: Grudzień 11, 2018 w 2:22JESTEM

Download Microsoft Azure (Android 5.1+) APK

Stare wersje

Microsoft Azure (Android 5.1+)

Wersja: (201811161)
Rozmiar pliku: 51.3 MB (53,788,808 bajty)
min: Android 5.1 (Lizak MR1, API 22)
Załadowany :Listopad 27, 2018 w 3:50JESTEM

Microsoft Azure (Android 5.1+)

Wersja: (201811021)
Rozmiar pliku: 51.29 MB (53,776,880 bajty)
min: Android 5.1 (Lizak MR1, API 22)
Załadowany: Listopad 8, 2018 w 3:54JESTEM

Microsoft Azure (Android 5.1+)

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