OpenVPN APK v3.2.7 Pobierz 2025 Najnowszy

Pobierz OpenVPN dla Androida APK na swój telefon komórkowy z Androidem, Tablet LUB dowolne urządzenie z Androidem z z bezpośrednim łączem.

unblock geographically restricted websites with this free VPN.

More about OpenVPN Connect – Fast & Safe SSL VPN Client

The OpenVPN Connect app is a secure open-source SSL virtual private network encryption protocol or In simpler terms a VPN. This app creates a tunnel between the VPN software and the VPN server. It facilitates the secure transmission of your data via a 256-bit OpenSSL encryption.

Can’t get more secure than that? When compared to other VPN apps such as HotSpot Shield, OpenVPN takes the winning points due to its high speed and bandwidth speed. And it does this by using one of two protocols such as the TCP and UDP.

Downloading and using OpenVPN Connect

OpenVPN is the software that transmits your data over either UDP or TCP while encrypting it with 256-bit encryption OpenSSL library code & using an SSL/TSL key exchange. Read more about how the app handles the technicalities and this givenaddress.

If you are already impressed with the app’s features and want to download it instantly then just click on the download button above to start the download. Or keep reading on to learn more about the OpenVPN Connect app. The TCP protocols guarantee all the data transmitted is received properly.

openvpn dla Androida-0-6-59-apk

While UDP protocol works in a fire and forget manner which is much faster, but unreliable. OpenVPN then uses the SSL/TLS handshake protocol for key exchange. Keys are what, lock your data away from 3rd parties and spying eyes. In standard terms, you can tunnel any IP subnetwork or virtual ethernet adapter over a single UDP or TCP port.

You can also easily use all of the encryption, authentication, and certification features of the OpenSSL library. To protect your private network traffic. Which when compared to other apps is way more secure and trustworthy. Let us know if you liked the app by commenting and rating it below with your opinions on using the app.

Openvpn dla Androida to klient typu open source oparty na projekcie OpenVPN typu open source.

What’s new in this version of OpenVPN?

  • Switchover from MbedTLS library to OpenSSL library
  • Support of TLS 1.3 wersja
  • Support signing with RSA-PSS signatures during TLS handshake
  • Update of OpenVPN3 library to 3.5.5 wersja
  • Improved stability and performance

Informacje o pliku APK OpenVPN dla Androida:

OpenVPN Connect – OpenVPN App Mod APK

Nazwa aplikacjiOpenVPN Connect – OpenVPN App Mod APK 3.2.4 [Odblokowany][Premia]
Rozmiar13.33 MB
Ostatnia wersja3.2.4
Mod infoPremium/odblokowany

OpenVPN Connect Mod + Pobierz aplikację

Pobierz i rozkoszuj się OpenVPN Connect (MOD, Premia). We to give the best Mods only for you and if everything we provide isn’t sufficient we connect to the best resources for MOD information on OpenVPN Connect simply to supply you with the ideal.

Download OpenVPN for Android APK Latest Version :

  • Zainstaluj ze sklepu Google Play


You’ll need an current OpenVPN Suitable Server or an Entry Server/OpenVPN Cloud subscription, relying on the service you wish to use:

Your administrator gave you a hostname & username/password ⇨ Click on on “URL” tab. Enter your hostname in addition to your username and password and revel in full connection safety!

Your administrator gave you an ovpn profile ⇨ Click on on “File” tab. Import the ovpn file and revel in full connection safety!


  • Creates VPN tunnels encrypted with prime enterprise-grade encryption ciphers. Information despatched via the tunnel is 100% bezpieczna
  •  Connect with your workplace community assets from wherever, configure and handle entry guidelines and connection properties throughout your workplace
  • Encrypt visitors over public Wi-Fi and hotspots, defend connection in opposition to hackers and sniffers

Older Version of OpenVPN for Android APK Available:

  • Nazwa pakietu: net.openvpn.openvpn
  • Wersja: 3.2.1 (4961)
  • Rozmiar pliku: 12.6 MB
  • Zaktualizowano: Sierpień 5, 2020
  • Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 4.4 (Kit Kat, API 19)

Rozwijaćr: Arne Schwabe

Pobierz OpenVPN na Androida 3.2.1 APK – 8.11 MB

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