Pobierz najnowszą wersję VLC 2.5.3 dla Android
(4.4/5 średnia ocena w Google Play wg 855,000 użytkownicy)
VLC media player to darmowy, wieloplatformowy odtwarzacz multimedialny o otwartym kodzie źródłowym, który odtwarza większość plików multimedialnych i płyt, urządzenia, i protokoły strumieniowania sieciowego.
To jest port odtwarzacza multimedialnego VLC na platformę Android™. VLC na Androida może odtwarzać dowolne pliki wideo i audio, as well as network streams, network shares and drives, and DVD ISOs, like the desktop version of VLC.
VLC for Android is a full audio player, with a complete database, an equalizer and filters, playing all weird audio formats.
VLC is intended for everyone, is totally free, has no ads, no in-app-purchases, no spying and is developed by passionate volunteers. All the source code is available for free.
VLC for Android™ plays most local video and audio files, as well as network streams (including adaptive streaming), DVD ISOs, like the desktop version of VLC. It also support disk shares.
All formats are supported, w tym MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, Ogg, FLAC, TS, M2TS, Wv and AAC. All codecs are included with no separate downloads. It supports subtitles, Teletext and Closed Captions.
VLC for Android has a media library for audio and video files, and allows to browse folders directly.
VLC has support for multi-track audio and subtitles. It supports auto-rotation, aspect-ratio adjustments and gestures to control volume, brightness and seeking.
It also includes a widget for audio control, supports audio headsets control, cover art and a complete audio media library.
VLC for Android needs access to those categories:
• “Photos/Media/Files” to read your all media files 🙂
• “Magazynowanie” to read your all media files on SD cards 🙂
• “Inny” to check network connections, change the volume, set the ringtone, run on Android TV and display the popup view, see below for details.
Permission Details :
• It needs “read the contents of your USB storage”, in to order to read your media files on it.
• It needs “modify or delete the contents of your USB storage”, in order to allow deletion of files and store subtitles.
• It needs “full network access”, to open network and internet streams.
• It needs “prevent phone from sleeping” in order to prevent… your phone from sleeping when watching a video.
• It needs “change your audio settings”, in order to change audio volume.
• It needs “modify system settings”, in order to allow you to change your audio ringtone.
• It needs “view network connections” in order to monitor whether device is connected or not, to hide the streaming strony.
• It needs “draw over other apps” to start the popup menu.
• It needs “control vibration” to give feedback on the controls.
• It needs “run at startup” to set recommendations on Android TV launcher screen, only used with Android TV version.
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Informacje o pliku apk VLC
Nazwa pliku: org.videolan.vlc_2.5.3-12050304_Android-2.3.apk
Wersja: 2.5.3 (12050304)
Załadowany: Październik 6, 2017 w 10:05AM GMT + 00 AM
Rozmiar pliku: 18.39MB (19,282,718 bajty)
Minimalna wersja Androida: Android 2.3+ (piernik, API 9)
MD5: 51d52c8476b3bcf3b302199ed3c71e85
SHA1: 0f21083231a4ce3d5283f17085a9b028fef9dc48
Download VLC APK v2.5:
- Pobierz APK z bezpiecznego serwera >> Rozmiar pliku: 18.39MB
- Pobierz VLC z Google Play
Older Version of VLC APK Available:
- VLC wersja 2.5.3 (12050304) NAJNOWSZA WERSJA APK załadowany: Październik 6, 2017
- VLC wersja 2.1.11 (12011104) APK załadowany: Czerwiec 28, 2017
- VLC 2.0.1 (12000104) APK załadowany: Lipiec 1, 2016