Firefox Nightly for Developers (Inédito) APK

Firefox Nightly is a developmental channel for new Mozilla Firefox releases.

Please note that Firefox Aurora is no longer available and has transitioned to Firefox Nightly. More details here:

Download the release version of Firefox here:

Firefox Nightly is designed to showcase the more experimental builds of Firefox. The Nightly channel allows users to experience the newest Firefox innovations in an unstable environment and provide feedback on features and performance to help determine what makes the final release.

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Firefox Nightly automatically sends feedback to Mozilla:

Quer saber mais sobre as solicitações de permissões do Firefox?

Veja nossa lista de dispositivos suportados e mais recentes requisitos mínimos do sistema em HTTPS://

Mozilla marketing: In order to understand the performance of certain Mozilla marketing campaigns, Firefox sends data, including a Google advertising ID, IP address, timestamp, país, language/locale, sistema operacional, app version, to our third party vendor. Learn more by reading our Privacy Notice here:

Firefox Nightly for Developers 65.0a1 (braço-v7a) (Android 4.1+) INFORMAÇÕES DO ARQUIVO

Versão: 65.0a1 (2015590673)
Pacote: org.mozilla.fennec_aurora
Tamanho do arquivo: 42.39 MB (44,450,866 bytes)
Mín.: Android 4.1 (Jujuba, API 16)
Carregado: Outubro 29, 2018

Download Firefox Nightly for Developers 65.0a1 (braço-v7a) (Android 4.1+) APK

Versões antigas

Firefox Nightly for Developers 64.0a1 (braço-v7a) (Android 4.1+)

Versão: 64.0a1 (2015589329)

Pacote: org.mozilla.fennec_aurora

Tamanho do arquivo: 42.47 MB (44,531,625 bytes)
Mín.: Android 4.1 (Jujuba, API 16)
Carregado: Outubro 23, 2018

Firefox Nightly for Developers 63.0a1 (braço-v7a) (Android 4.1+)

Versão: 63.0a1 (2015580113)
Pacote: org.mozilla.fennec_aurora
Tamanho do arquivo: 41.88 MB (43,917,233 bytes)
Mín.: Android 4.1 (Jujuba, API 16)
Carregado: Setembro 6, 2018

Firefox Nightly for Developers 62.0a1 (braço-v7a) (Android 4.1+)

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