Meus filmes – Filme & Biblioteca de coleção de TV APK

Importante! The application is not for downloading or watching content.

My Movies allows you to catalog your entire collection of movie and TV Series from our world class online data service containing data for disc titles (DVD and Blu-ray), filmes (Digital Copies) and TV Series, from various counties and in various languages.

Attention Upgraders! Users of the first version of our application for Android, simply log into the same user account that you previously used, and your existing collection will synchronize to the new application. Contact us on [email protected] if you are in need of help.

Our database of titles is the best available, containing more than 950,000 titles on DVD and Blu-ray, supplemented by a large catalog of movies and TV Series for digital copies. If you have one or more titles that are not in our service, you can report it and it will be created within 48 hours by our staffa service you will not find elsewhere.

This application is your chance to evaluate the full feature set of My Movies Pro 2. This version is limited to 50 titles and only 10 items in trailer and release listings, but otherwise contains the full featureset of My Movies Pro 2.

You can use the application as a standalone product on your Android device, or use it as a companion to our other software packages.

The application requires you to create a user account, log onto an existing My Movies account, or log in through Facebook to be able to use the program. Your collection will follow your user account through our online servers, allowing you to switch between different clients without ever losing your datawe have clients available for all popular platforms. If you log in to an existing account, your current collection will automatically be synchronized to your device.

You can within the program activate an online web based listing of your collection, allowing you to send friends and family a website that allows them to browse your collection.

Perceber! If you have a problem or a suggestion, please contact us on [email protected]. We are unable to help you with problems if you only leave a comment in the store. The quality and stability of the application is our top priority, and we will happily help you with any problem or concerns you might have.

Feature list:

Scan large DVD and Blu-ray collections fast using our quick multi-scan option.
Search for disc titles, movies or TV Series by title.
Keep track your disc titles (DVD and Blu-ray) or digital copies.
Keep track of movies watched in theaters, or movies or TV Series watched on streaming services.
Personalize titles with location, tags, notas, Avaliação, purchase details and more.
Many interface customization options, including different views, and both a black and white interface.
View with synopsis, full cast list (10, 20, 30 or all per title) e muito mais.
View audio tracks and subtitles on disc titles.
Links to IMDB.
High quality front and back covers as well as theater posters.
Watch trailers.
Search collection.
Many sort options.
Advanced filtering.
Integration with Facebook and Twitter.
Parental control functions.
Shake to random title.
E-mail collection as TXT or CSV.
Loan titles to contacts and keep track.
Online title collection to share with family and friends (
Badge with title and/or person count.
Person section with photos, biographies and starring in lists.
Releases section with upcoming DVD and Blu-ray’s.
Use same collection on multiple devices and platforms with automatic online sync.
Automatic profile update for latest and most accurate data.
Remote control for Windows Media Center and Dune players.
Report missing titles to our staff.
Report incorrect data to our staff.

Much MORE!

Categoria: Bibliotecas & Demonstração
Sistema operacional: Android
Preço: Livre


Perceber! If you are having problems with this update, please contact us on [email protected]we unfortunately cannot help you through app reviews.

This release attempts to fix some incoming issues, including an issue with please wait displaying sometimes when opening the app.

Comentários/Opinião do Usuário:

  • The search filter isn’t realisable, any TV series I have won’t show up on filters. Eg. Have firefly series on Google play. But when filtering Google play in type it’s not there. Anoying if your using this to prevent double purchasing
  • Best movie collection app! I downloaded 10 different collection apps, and tried to find low budget movies and movies with several movies on 1 DVD, like they be having in Walmart. This was the only app that found them all with no problem.
  • Great app but the multiple device thing is a bit misleading. You have to pay for the pro version again if you want to access your full collection on a none android device, eg ipad. Plus my wife installed the app on her phone, tried to access my account but it didn’t recognise that I’d purchased the Pro version.
  • A little upset that I am having to pay another upgrade fee. I payed for the first one and only need thelegacy” funções. I am aware of the discounted fee. There should be not be a fee for an upgrade I didn’t ask for.


Nome do pacote: dk.mymovies.mymoviesforandroidfree
Versão: 2.26 Construir 16 (285)
Tamanho do arquivo: 19.9 MB
Atualizada: Poderia 21, 2018
Versão mínima do Android: Android 4.1 (Jujuba, API 16)

DOWNLOAD My Movies 2.26 Construir 16 (285) APK

Versões antigas

Meus filmes – Filme & TV Collection Library 2.25 Construir 1

Nome do pacote: dk.mymovies.mymoviesforandroidfree
Versão: 2.25 Construir 1 (269)
Tamanho do arquivo: 20 MB
Carregado: Marchar 18, 2018
Versão mínima do Android: Android 4.1 (Jujuba, API 16)

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