
Download Dropple 2.5.5 APK para seu celular Android, Tablet OU qualquer dispositivo Android de AndroidFreeApks.com com link direto.

Straight out of The Mascoteers’ game lab comes Dropple, the latest original release from the creators of 360 Degree and Circlify.

It’s all about timing in Dropple! As the player, you need to help a ball bounce its way down a long stairway, setting out the steps in front of it as it builds up speed.

Tap to place the a step in front of the bouncing ball, but make sure you get it in line with the angle the ball is taking, otherwise it could be game over. Place it too far off to the side, and your ball will hit the step on an angle and bounce away. But if you hesitate and take too long to place the step, the ball will bounce off the edge of the stairway.

Dropple 2.5.5 Informações do arquivo APK:

Nome do arquivo: com.themascoteers.dropple.apk
Versão: 2.5.5
Carregado: setembro 11, 2016 no 12:16 PM GMT+00
Tamanho do arquivo: 20M
Versão mínima do Android: 4.0.3 para cima

Desenvolverr: WebAlive

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