Google Calendar v5.7.39-169082503 Release (2015570982)ÚLTIMA VERSÃO DO APK

Download Calendar Latest Version 5.7.39 para Android

(4.2/5 classificação média no Google Play por 769,000 usuários)

Obtenha o aplicativo oficial do Google Calendar para o seu telefone e tablet Android para economizar tempo e aproveitar ao máximo todos os dias.
• Different ways to view your calendarQuickly switch between month, week and day view.
• Events from GmailFlight, hotel, concert, restaurant reservations and more are added to your calendar automatically.
• To-dosUse Reminders to create and view to-dos alongside your events.
• GoalsAdd personal goals—like “run 3 times a week”—and Calendar will schedule time for them automatically.
• Quick event creationSmart suggestions for event titles, places and people save you time when creating events.
• All your calendars in one placeGoogle Calendar works with all calendars on your phone, including Exchange.

Calendar file Information

Nome do arquivo:
Versão: 5.7.39-169082503-liberar (2015570982)
Carregado: Setembro 20, 2017 no 12:25PM GMT+00
Tamanho do arquivo: 22.41MB (23,496,558 bytes)
Versão mínima do Android: Android 4.2+ (Jujuba, API 17)
MD5: 9d35db8749a46d92bf229249434bdc8a
SHA1: fcac03c433c12c13a119ea8075c1ef5f8ef11920


Arrastar & Dropeasily reschedule events, reminders and goals directly from day, 3 day and week views.


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