The description of KDE Connect App

KDE Connect provides a set of features to integrate your workflow across devices:

– Área de transferência compartilhada: copy and paste between your devices.
Share files and URLs to your computer from any app.
Get notifications for incoming calls and SMS messages on your PC.
– Touchpad virtual: Use your phone screen as your computer’s touchpad.
Notifications sync: Read your Android notifications from the desktop.
Multimedia remote control: Use your phone as a remote for Linux media players.
WiFi connection: no USB wire or bluetooth needed.
End-to-end TLS encryption: your information is safe.

Please note you will need to install KDE Connect on your computer for this app to work, and keep the desktop version up-to-date with the Android version for the latest features to work.

This app is part of an open source project and it exists thanks to all the people who contributed to it. Visit the website to grab the source code.

Esta imagem tem um atributo alt vazio; its file name is KDE-Connect-APK-DOWNLOAD-LATEST-VERSION.png

KDE Connect App 1.19.1 Atualizar

Notification sync: New option to hide desktop notifications if the screen is on.
Remote filesystem access: Fixed file corruption on recent Android versions.
Prancheta: Added more ways to send the phone clipboard.
Remote input: Allow configuring the action for left clicks.
Remote input: Allow composing text before sending, to support dictation and swiping keyboards.
Run commands: Allow adding them to the power menu.

Informações Adicionais do APK

Categoria: Free Productivity App

Publish Date: 2022-01-24

App uploaded by: Walyson Nascimento

Última versão: 1.19.1

Available on:  loja de jogos

Requisitos: Android 4.0+

Download KDE Connect APK Latest version

KDE Connect 1.19.1 Apk

From version KDE Connect 1.19.1:

Notification sync: New option to hide desktop notifications if the screen is on.
Remote filesystem access: Fixed file corruption on recent Android versions.
Prancheta: Added more ways to send the phone clipboard.
Remote input: Allow configuring the action for left clicks.
Remote input: Allow composing text before sending, to support dictation and swiping keyboards.
Run commands: Allow adding them to the power menu.

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