N Launcher APK v7.0 Download 2025 MAIS RECENTES

Download N Launcher APK for your Android Mobile, Tablet OU qualquer dispositivo Android de AndroidFreeApks.com com link direto.

N launcher is an Android™ N (Android 7.0) style launcher, it follow native launcher experience, adding MANY useful launcher features;
N launcher is base on Max Launcher core code, and adapted to latest Android N (torrone 7.0) lançador


N Launcher features:
Android N (torrone 7.0) native style launcher, with many enhanced features, suporte Android 4.0+ dispositivos

Modern Desktop, super smooth animation, various transition effect, clean and cool design

Android N (torrone 7.0) vertical style drawer; showing recent apps and newly installed apps on the top.

N Launcher is designed to be a Simple, Velozes, Light Launcher, including native Android™ 7.0 Nougat launcher experience!
N Launcher also keeps latest Android™ 6.0 Marshmallow experience,and has many enhanced features.

Features for Android™ N:
Android 7.0 Nougat style Animation and Design.
Android 7.0 Nougat Style Drawer, Vertical style, A-Z fast scrollbar.
Android 7.0 Nougat Style for Widgets display.

Também, we added some new features inspired from Pixel Launcher. We will add more cool features.
Swipe up to access app drawer.
Android 7.1 style for app drawer.
Android 7.1 style for home indicators.

Features for Customization:
Support setting for desktop,icon layout,size and color of app name and so on.
Support setting for App drawer.
Support setting for Folder.
Support Hide Apps.

Features for Launcher Personalization:
Support Edit Icon function.
Support Icon Pack function.
Support Wallpaper and Widget function.

N Launcher is based on the latest Android 7.0 torrone, support for Android 4.1+ dispositivos.

Android é uma marca registrada da Google Inc..

If you like N Launcher, please RATE us and share N Launcher to your friends,and also you can give us more suggests.


O que há de novo

Big Release Version 1.3.4:
1.Added setting number of icons for dock bar.
2.Added setting number of icons for app drawer.
3.Added setting features for notification bar.
4.Added setting background and icon size for folder window.
5.Fixed bugs for unread count function and fixed some important bugs from user report.Thanks for the reporting of bugs.Less

N Launcher APK Information:

Nome do arquivo: N Launcher – Nougat 7.0
Versão: 1.3.4
Carregado: setembro 24, 2016 no 11:05 AM GMT+00 AM
Tamanho do arquivo: 7.5M
Versão mínima do Android: 4.0 para cima

Desenvolverr: Max Mobile Team

Download N Launcher v7.0 APK:

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