OpenVPN para Android APK Download v0.7.7 Versão mais recente

Download OpenVPN for Android APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet
Openvpn para Android é um cliente de código aberto baseado no projeto OpenVPN de código aberto.
It uses the VPNService API of Android 4.0+ and requires neither Jailbreak nor root on your telephone.

Perguntas frequentes

Can I get free Internet
Não, this app is for connecting to an OpenVPN server.

How to connect
OpenVPN is a client software to connect to an OpenVPN server. Isso é not an APP selling or provding any VPN services.
It allows to your own/company/university/provider OpenVPN server or to the VPN service of many of the commercial
VPN providers.

What is the difference between all the OpenVPN apps?
For more information about the different OpenVPN clients in the Playstore see this:

Access to your photos/media (Android older than 6.0)
This app implements a feature to import OpenVPN profiles from the SDCard/internal memory. Google categorizes this accessaccessing your media and photos

TAP Mode
Only tun mode support (Sorry no tap, with Android 4.0 only tun can be supported).

Joining Beta
Prerelease versions available by joining G+ group:

Translate the app
If you want to help to translate OpenVPN into your native language look at the homepage of this project.

Bug reports
Please report bug/suggestions via email or at the code Google Code project. But please read the FAQ before writing me.

OpenSSL Heartbleed: OpenVPN for Android uses its own non vulnerable OpenSSL version. For more details about OpenVPN and Heartbleed see:


-Fix keystore signing on Android 4.1 (sim, verdade :))
Fix always visible status from last beta
Fix default routes not installed with openvpn 3++
Support ECDSA Certificates from Android keystore, OpenVPN 2.x only
New OpenSSL Version (1.1.0h)
Speed test for OpenSSL crypto algorithm
Experimental support for OpenVPN 3 C++ core
Implement .api.DisconnectVPN Intent for easy control from other apps
Better proxy support including Tor(Orbot)
– Correções de bugs

Comentários/Opinião do Usuário:

  • Just set up my first openvpn server on a cloud machine and tried a few other popular opevpn clients and they were super slow for me on the downlink side. from 70mbps down to 30 or even 5mbpswith this client i get pretty much my full internet speed!!! 70 mbps!! incrível! found what i needed
  • Essential app. This allows me to keep my phone connected to my home VPN with the minimum of fuss and maximum flexibility. Just one extra feature I’d like, no entanto, is the ability to nominate some connected WiFi SSIDs (or BSSID MAC addresses) as triggering the VPN to pause.
  • Imported my client configuration file even though it had some non-standard options. Very robust easy to see what is going on. No geral, uma ótima experiência.

OpenVPN para Android 0.7.7 beta INFORMAÇÕES DO ARQUIVO

Versão: 0.7.7 (160)
Pacote: de.blinkt.openvpn
Tamanho do arquivo: 19.42 MB (20,365,995 bytes)
Mín.: Android 4.0 (Sanduíche de sorvete, API 14)
Carregado: dezembro 6, 2018 no 6:13SOU

Baixe o OpenVPN para Android 0.7.7 apk beta

Versões antigas

OpenVPN para Android 0.7.6 beta

Versão: 0.7.6 (159)
Pacote: de.blinkt.openvpn
Tamanho do arquivo: 15.67 MB (16,427,121 bytes)
Mín.: Android 4.0 (Sanduíche de sorvete, API 14)
Carregado: Setembro 24, 2018 no 8:32PM

OpenVPN para Android 0.7.5

Pacote: de.blinkt.openvpn
Tamanho do arquivo: 14.48 MB (15,183,107 bytes)
Mín.: Android 4.0 (Sanduíche de sorvete, API 14)
Carregado:Poderia 3, 2018 no 8:32PM

OpenVPN para Android 0.7.4 beta

Versão: 0.7.4 (157)
Pacote: de.blinkt.openvpn
Tamanho do arquivo: 14.44 MB (15,146,474 bytes)
Mín.: Android 4.0 (Sanduíche de sorvete, API 14)
Carregado: Marchar 16, 2018 no 6:11SOU

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