Pet Rescue Saga v1.121.8 (11210805) ÚLTIMA VERSÃO DO APK

Pet Rescue Saga versão mais recente 1.121.8 para Android

(4.3/5 classificação média no Google Play por 2,965,000 usuários) Ultima atualização: Junho 26, 2017
Saga de resgate de animais de estimação, dos criadores de Candy Crush Saga & Saga Farm Heroes!

Match two or more blocks of the same color to clear the level and save the pets from the evil Pet Snatchers! Moves are limited so plan them carefully. Your puzzle skills will be tested with hours of block busting fun!

Take on this puzzling Saga alone or play with friends to see who can get the highest score!

Pet Rescue Saga is completely free to play but some in-game items such as extra moves or lives will require payment.

Ao baixar este jogo, você concorda com nossos termos de serviço;

Pet Rescue Saga features:
• Eye-catching graphics and colorful gameplay
• Lovable pets of all varieties, puppies, bunnies, piglets and many more!
• Diamonds, exploding bombs, colorful paint pots, locked animal cages and much more
• Spectacular boosters and bonus rewards unlocked after many levels
• Easy and fun to play, challenging to master
• Hundreds of pet puzzling levelsmore added every 2 semanas!
• Leaderboards to watch your friends and competitors!
• Easily sync the game between devices and unlock full game features when connected to the Internet

Already a fan of Pet Rescue Saga? Curta-nos no Facebook ou siga-nos no Twitter para as últimas notícias:

Por último mas não menos importante, a big THANK YOU goes out to everyone who has played Pet Rescue Saga!


The pets have arrived in the Age of the Internet in this new update. It includes:
A brand new episode, ‘Divine Device’! Com estas 15 NEW LEVELS, there are now 1797 levels of fun for you to enjoy :
More missions, challenges, and surprises!
Fun fact! Sandy the Cat has always wanted to do YouTube videos. She doesn’t get why cat videos are so popular though, she mostly likes Let’s Plays.

Pet Rescue file Information

Nome do arquivo: com.king.petrescuesaga_v1.121.8-11210805_Android-2.3.apk
Versão: 1.121.8 (11210805)
Carregado: Julho 4, 2017 no 6:08PM GMT+00
Tamanho do arquivo: 66.86MB (70,112,956 bytes)
Versão mínima do Android: Android 2.3+ (Pão de gengibre, API 9)
MD5: cd56c02b97acd6dd9aee67b50abc113f
SHA1: 1f958bfb64733633103df14b8079c83033366d6e

Download Pet Rescue Saga APK v1.121:

Versão mais antiga da saga de resgate para animais de estimação disponível:

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