Planejador 5D - Design de casa 1.6.13 ÚLTIMA VERSÃO DO APK


Download Planner 5D – Home Design 1.6.13 APK para seu celular Android, Tablet OU qualquer dispositivo Android de com link direto.

Planner 5D is a simple-to-use app that enables anyone to create beautiful and realistic interior and exterior designs in 2D and 3D modes.

You can choose interior and exterior items from a comprehensive catalog in order to plan and furnish your home or any other space the way you have always wanted, and you can see what everything looks like in reality using the Virtual Reality mode.

– editor – edit and view your home design in 2D, 3D and Virtual Reality modes
Cataloglots of items to use in your designs
Snapshotsrealistic images of your designs
– Galeria – images of user designs
Can be used online and offline
Sign in with your, Google+ or Facebook account to use your designs across all platforms
User interface localized in these languages: Inglês, Alemão, chinês, Francês, italiano, Espanhol, Português, russo
View your design using Chromecast (screencast)


Planejador 5D - Design de casa 1.6.13 Informações do arquivo APK:

Nome do arquivo: com.planner5d.planner5d.apk/_b3a393b948f041e6bf3ac5181cefa33c
Versão: 1.6.13
Carregado: setembro 27, 2016 no 15:15 PM GMT+00
Tamanho do arquivo: 71M
Versão mínima do Android: 4.1 para cima

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