Undeleter Recover Files & Data APK Download v4.60 Latest version

Download Undeleter Recover Files & Data APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet
Scan for and recover deleted files from memory cards and internal storage on rooted* devices.

The app uses rewarded video adsrestoration of any discovered file or data is completely free of charge. You can still buy the unlocker to remove all ads and enable background scanning.

Without a jailbreak/root access, Undeleter can only scan app caches for images.

*ROOT/SUPERUSER PERMISSIONS require that you modify the operating system on your device, visit this website for more information: http://www.androidcentral.com/root

App caches can contain images that would not otherwise be discoverable: you may find photos that were shared with you on social media but you never opened, or lower quality copies of images you have now or have deleted in the past. They may also contain images that have been preloaded by your browser or other apps on your deviceeven images of people you don’t know. They can be filtered out usingHide extant files”.

File types: Journal scanning can discover files with any conceivable extension. Essentially these files are still on your volume with their data in allocated sectors. Journal scan is only available on EXT4 and derived file systems.

Deep scan heuristically scans for and recovers the following types of files: BMP, JPEG/JPG, PNG, MNG, JNG, GIF, MP4, AVI, MKV, MP3, OGG, OGM, WAV, FLAC, AMR, MP4A, PDF, SXD, SXI, SXC, SXW, ODT, ODG, ODS, ODP, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, fecho eclair, JAR, APK, Epub.

Data scanning is available for a select number of apps, including the system phone and SMS applications. Data will be recovered in the form or HTML files for WhatsApp and Viber, as we cannot merge third-party catalogs.

Shred/secure delete: Files found on free disk areas can be erased permanently in bulk using the Shred function. You can also use the system-wide Share menu to securely erase files directly through any other app, for example by opening the gallery, selecting a number of images, pressing the Share button and selecting Secure delete.

ACCOUNTneeded for Google Drive and Dropbox upload

CALL/SMSneeded for app data scannerdeleted SMS and call logs



Fixed in app purchase issues
Fixed issues
Speedup scan
Updated to comply with new API

Comentários/Opinião do Usuário:

  • My lovely pics were deleted by my bro but I don’t know how to bring back but my brothers knows but my brother will not help me for that . After wise I thought that why I can’t ask to the Google. After asking this I get the result to install this app but it really helped me .I like this app so much thank u to make this app this so useful 2 us 2 bring the pics and other things.
  • It took me a lot of effort finding an app to root my phone and when I did, I tried all the scan types of this app many times, but all the files I saw were all existing. I lost a lot of photos and not one have been scanned. I’m very disappointed. I would be thankful if you will show me how can I really recover my accidentally deleted photos..
  • I would like too know if by buying the app I can get fully restored image quality. It only lets me view blurry cache images. I understand that the phone needs to bee rooted to view everything but it also ask me if I want to restore it to buy the app. Does this mean that the blurry cache image will be restored to full quality if I buy the app?

Undeleter Recover Files & Dados 4.60 (Android 6.0+)


Versão: 4.60 (230000460)
Pacote: fahrbot.apps.undelete
Tamanho do arquivo: 9.92 MB (10,399,259 bytes)
Mín.: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23)
Carregado : Janeiro 8, 2019 no 6:49PM

Download Undeleter Recover Files & Dados 4.60 (Android 6.0+) APK

Versões antigas

Undeleter Recover Files & Dados 4.55 (Android 6.0+)

Versão: 4.55 (230000455)
Pacote: fahrbot.apps.undelete
Tamanho do arquivo: 9.92 MB (10,401,811 bytes)
Mín.: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23)
Carregado: dezembro 22, 2018 no 5:16SOU

Undeleter Recover Files & Dados 4.54 (Android 6.0+)

Versão: 4.54 (230000454)
Pacote: fahrbot.apps.undelete
Tamanho do arquivo: 9.78 MB (10,258,422 bytes)
Mín.: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23)
Carregado :dezembro 21, 2018 no 6:12PM

Undeleter Recover Files & Dados 4.53 (Android 6.0+)

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