Troid VPN Бесплатный VPN-прокси APK

ТроидВПН – Бесплатный прокси-инструмент VPN поможет вам защитить вашу конфиденциальность в Интернете. , делает ваш просмотр безопасным, держите свое местоположение в тайне, It boosts Internet speed and save your bandwidth by compressing data and using appropriate protocol ( UDP / TCP / ICMP) which is fast in your network , Makes you internet surfing experience better.

VPN Features

> Protect your online privacy.
> Increase your Internet Speed
> Save bandwidth by compressing data.
> Wi-Fi Hotspot Security.
> VPN Protocol Selection and Port selection available which makes it a robust VPN proxy tool.
> No speed limitation.
> Protect your device by acting as a virtual Firewall.
> No ROOT required (Except ICMP VPN )
> Very Easy to use VPN.
> Mask your IP address and identity using VPN server IP.
> Daily Free privacy protection on your 100 MB Data.
> VPN Server locations in over 15 страны.
> All Servers are deployed in 1 Gbps network.
> A simple and easy to use VPN for your phone and tablet.
> Регистрация не требуется.

This App needs a few permissions:

Access Current Location.
Access External Storage.
Access Network.
Access Phone State.
Access Task List.

How to use this VPN Tunnel Client

1. Use – UDP – Rport= 500 Lport=0 or any other VPN protocol as per your choice.
2. ROOT required for using ICMP protocol.

For any Issue please contact Troid VPN Support:

Категория: Инструменты
Операционная система: Андроид
Цена: Свободно


ICMP Issue Fixed for – андроид 5.0.1
Updated OpenSSL : 1.0.1дж

ICMP Issue Fixed for – андроид 5.0.2

Crash Fixes

Few Internal Issues fixed.

In Android M/6.0 Working now.

OpenSSL updated to very latest version : 1.0.2е

ICMP now working in Android 6.0.1
Latest version of OpenSSL 1.0.2g used.

Отзывы/мнение пользователей:

  • Always disconnecting and to much of ads and its cause to slow my connection..and i only connect if i have load balance or if registered to a promo Hope to fix it
  • Pretty helpful. It is a very useful app, though youtube doesn’t play that much. Что ж, being able to browse the internet is a lot helpful to students like me.
  • No sure as to if it’s free data, my counter still says I’m using data, guess i won’t no until i go over and get the bill. They should look at that
  • Just what you need if you want to stay safe on the internet and keep prying eyes out of your business

Имя пакета:
Версия: 87 (87)
Размер файла: 10 МБ
Обновлено: Июнь 8, 2018
Минимальная версия Android: Андроид 4.1 (Жевательные конфеты, API 16)

DOWNLOAD Troid VPN 87 (87) АПК

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