Google Earth APK

Explore the whole world from above with satellite imagery and 3D terrain of the entire globe and 3D buildings in hundreds of cities around the world.

Zoom to your house or anywhere else then dive in for a 360° perspective with Street View. Set off on a unique adventure by rolling the dice and hopping between random locations. And see the world from a new point of view with Voyager, a collection of guided tours from BBC Earth, NASA, National Geographic, ve dahası.

Kategori: Yolculuk & Yerel
İşletim sistemi: Android
Fiyat: Özgür


Made to measure! Tap the ruler to calculate distances and areas, anywhere on Earth.

Recently updated/added 100 cities in 3D including New York City, Londra, Paris, and Amsterdam. New high-res imagery in parts of 21 ülkeler.

Kullanıcı İncelemeleri/Görüşleri:

  • What’s the point of updating if nothing changes in the street views? My neighborhood shows up the same way as it was 5 Yıllar önce! There’s a bazillion changes happened since that doesn’t show up! Frustrating to say the least
  • Everytime i go to street view it lets me get half way down a 20 mile road then crashes. Zap you have to start all the way were you started. Pretty ridiculous while trying to search for a location. I thought this was what the app was for? If not whats it for then? To look at a three year old pic of the top of my house? No thanks. Uninstalled goodbye
  • It’s very interesting to be able to look at places around the world from different perspectives, but looking around the area where we live, which is close to 3 very large cities, Newcastle on Tyne, Sunderland and Gateshead UK, the information shown is several years out of date. Some buildings shown aren’t there any more, or are now used for a completely different purpose and so it has limited use. Güncellenmiş, it would be amazing.
  • I was being generous with a 4 yıldızlar. I like looking up areas, but it is extremely disappointing to have a lot of the areas blocked or fuzzed over. Especially Antarctica most of it is blocked with light spots where you can’t see anything. What’s up with that?


Paket ismi:
Sürüm: (181631500)
Dosya boyutu: 11.2 MB
Güncellenmiş: Haziran 15, 2018
Minimum Android sürümü: Android 4.1 (Jöle fasulye şekerleme, API 16)

DOWNLOAD Google Earth (181631500) APK

Eski versiyonlar

Google Earth

Paket ismi:
Sürüm: (181231100)
Dosya boyutu: 10.9 MB
yüklendi: Mayıs 15, 2018
Minimum Android sürümü: Android 4.1 (Jöle fasulye şekerleme, API 16)

Google Earth

Paket ismi:
Sürüm: (180541100)
Dosya boyutu: 10.5 MB
yüklendi: Mart 15, 2018
Minimum Android sürümü: Android 4.1 (Jöle fasulye şekerleme, API 16)

Google Earth

Paket ismi:
Sürüm: (173401400)
Dosya boyutu: 10 MB
yüklendi: Aralık 12, 2017
Minimum Android sürümü: Android 4.1 (Jöle fasulye şekerleme, API 16)

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