Kök Denetleyici APK

Root Checker APK Latest Version

Verify proper root (süper kullanıcı veya su) erişim Kök Denetleyicisi kullanılarak yapılandırıldı ve çalışıyor! Özgür, hızlı, kolay, ve defalarca kullanıldı 10 milyon Android cihaz, Kök Denetleyicisi kullanıcıya root olup olmadığını gösterir. (süper kullanıcı) erişim düzgün şekilde kurulmuş ve çalışıyor.

This application provides even the newest Android user with a simple method to check their device for root (administrator, süper kullanıcı, or su) erişim. The application provides a very simple user interface that easily notifies the user whether or not they have properly setup root (süper kullanıcı) erişim.

*Feel free to email me with any questions. I always reply!*

This application will test the device for root (süper kullanıcı) access using a very simple, hızlı, and reliable method that has been successful for over 10 milyon Android cihaz. The su binary is the most common binary used on Android devices to grant and manage root (süper kullanıcı) erişim. Root Checker will check and verify that the su binary is located in a standard location on the device. Ek olarak, Root Checker will verify that the su binary is properly functioning in granting root (süper kullanıcı) erişim.

Many times users experience issues along the path of installing, configuring, and gaining root access. For some users the process can seem complex while for others the process can seem simple. Regardless of the user’s technical skill set, Kök Denetleyicisi, will quickly and correctly verify whether or not root access is 100% functioning. The process of confirming root access is sometimes known by other terms such as, gaining superuser access or gaining administrator access. Root Checker covers all these terms as they relate to one core function, being able to execute commands through the su binary with root access.

If the Superuser management applications (SüperSU, süper kullanıcı, vb.) are installed and working properly, these applications will prompt the user to accept or deny the root access request from Root Checker. Accepting the request will allow Root Checker to check for and confirm root access. Denying the request will result in Root Checker reporting no root access.

Please don’t leave negative feedback about a concern, bug or issue! Yerine, lütfen bana mail atın, tweet me, contact me on my web site – https://joeykrim.com/contact, IRC, or on the forums (XDA, RootzWiki, SDX, vb.) with your feedback, suggestions and comments!
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I do my best to assist as many people as possible and appreciate all the support that has made this application successful! Teşekkürler!


** Added Like buttons and counters for Root Basics
** Added swipe to refresh for Verify Root
** Added Rankings for most popular
** Added Welcome Screens for first-time users
** Hata düzeltmeleri ve performans iyileştirmeleri


  • Is usefully to people
  • iyi

Root Checker file information

Paket ismi: com.joeykrim.rootcheck
Sürüm: 6.3.3 (177)
Dosya boyutu: 8.3 MB
Güncellenmiş: Temmuz 24, 2018
Minimum Android sürümü: Android 4.1 (Jöle fasulye şekerleme, API 16)

Download Root Checker APK

OLD VERSIONS of Root Checker APK


Dosya adı: com.joeykrim.rootcheck_v5.9.4-136_Android-2.3.apk
Sürüm: 5.9.4 (136)
Buraya yüklendi: Temmuz 17, 2016 de 5:27ÖĞLEDEN SONRA
Dosya boyutu: 6.81MB (7,140,053 bayt)
Android sürümü gerekli: Android 2.3+ (zencefilli çörek, API 9)


Dosya adı: com.joeykrim.rootcheck_v5.8.9-131_Android-2.3.apk
Sürüm: 5.8.9 (131)
Buraya yüklendi: Haziran 20, 2016 de 12:22AM
Dosya boyutu: 6.52MB (6,833,391 bayt)
Android sürümü gerekli: Android 2.3+ (zencefilli çörek, API 9)

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