AVG AntiVirüs 2019 Android Güvenliği için APK İndir v6.15.1 Son sürüm

AVG AntiVirus'ü İndirin 2019 for Android Security APK Android telefonunuz veya tabletiniz için en son sürümü ücretsiz olarak buradan indirin..

AVG AntiVirus'ü ÜCRETSİZ Alın 2019 for Android™ to help protect you from harmful viruses and malware. Keep your personal data safe with App Lock, Fotoğraf Kasası, Wi-Fi Security Scan, and App Permissions advisor.

Üzerinde 100,000,000 insanlar AVG'nin antivirüs mobil güvenlik uygulamalarını zaten yükledi. Şimdi onlara katılın ve:
✔ Scan apps, oyunlar, settings and files in real-time
✔ Boost speed by killing tasks that slow down your device
✔ Extend battery life with Power Save
✔ Clean unnecessary files to free up space
✔ Lock sensitive apps with a PIN, model, veya parmak izi
✔ Enable locating your lost phone via Google Maps™
✔ Hide private photos in an encrypted Vault
✔ Stay anonymous with VPN
✔ Scan Wi-Fi networks for threats
✔ Check Wi-Fi download and upload speed
✔ Get insight into the permission level of installed apps

With AVG AntiVirus FREE 2019 for Android you’ll receive effective virus and malware protection, phone locator, task killer, uygulama kilidi, call blocker, Wi-Fi Scanner and photo vault to help shield you from threats to your privacy and online identity.

Uygulama Özellikleri:
✔ Scan apps, games and files with our dual-engine antivirus and remove malicious content
✔ Scan websites for harmful threats (Android’s default browser and Chrome)
✔ Wi-Fi Scanner for network encryption, password strength and Captive Portal (ones with ‘sign-inrequirement)
✔ VPN Protection: Secure your online privacy

✔ Extend battery life by turning off battery-draining settings with Power Save
✔ Kill tasks and processes that can slow down your phone
✔ Clean unnecessary files and free up storage space
✔ Check Wi-Fi download and upload speed

Hırsızlığa karşı:
Use AVG AntiVirus FREE 2019 for Android together with AVG’s remote management console or text messages (SMS) ile:
✔ Locate your lost or stolen phone via Google Maps
✔ Lock your phone and set a lock screen message
✔ Make your phone sound a siren
✔ Theftie [free trial]: discreetly emails you a photo of anyone trying to unlock your phone
✔ Device Lock [free trial]: automatically locks your phone whenever the SIM card is replaced
✔ Surveillance Agent [free trial]: remotely capture photos and record audio from your phone via our website
✔ Remote History: query the call log, contacts and text messages remotely
✔ Wipe your phone and SD card content

✔ Hide private photos in a password-protected Vault to prevent snooping
✔ App Lock [free trial]: lock sensitive apps to protect your privacy and safety
✔ Çağrı Engelleyici: protect yourself against spammers and scammers
✔ Delete clipboard content and browsing history (Chrome browser and Android version older than 5.0)
✔ Stay anonymous with VPN
✔ App Permissions: get insight into the level of permission required by your installed apps

App Insights:
✔ Monitor how you spend your time
✔ See where your data is used
✔ Discover potential privacy issues

Bu uygulama, Cihaz Yöneticisi iznini kullanır. This permission allows you to remotely lock and wipe your device from my.avg.com.

Bu uygulama, görme engellileri ve diğer kullanıcıları kimlik avı saldırılarına ve kötü amaçlı web sitelerine karşı korumak için Erişilebilirlik iznini kullanır..

By installing or updating this app, kullanımınızın bu şartlara tabi olduğunu kabul edersiniz: http://m.avg.com/terms

Google®, Google Maps™ ve Android™, Google'ın ticari markalarıdır, A.Ş., ABD ve diğer ülkelerde kayıtlı

Download Antivirus for Free Now


* Introducing App Insights. Find out how much time you spend in each app on your device, and take back control of your phone-life balance.
* Automatically scan new Wi-Fi networks to alert you faster to potential privacy threats.
* Charging screen supports live wallpaper backgrounds.
* Smarter notifications alerts you to features that you use more often

Kullanıcı İncelemeleri/Görüşleri:

  • There are ads in the free version, but they don’t cover the other content and are not disruptive in my opinion. This app does not slow down the processing like other antivirus apps I’ve tried. Aslında, in conjunction with the AVG Cleaner, the performance of my device has improved noticeably.
  • Why can I not use the pro, even though paid for, on my tablet? I am required to pay for basically the same thing again. This is the only thing that bugs me otherwise very happy with the product.
  • this avg antivirus….has some problem as Avast antivirusboths are same isues:” virus definition outdatedan I click to resolve thisand it thell me that I dont have internet conection…..but I have 100% working internet hi speed wifi conection. suck with your app.bad antivirus app ever.
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AVG AntiVirüs 2019 for Android Security 6.15.1(Android 4.1+) DOSYA BİLGİSİ

Eski versiyonlar

AVG AntiVirüs 2019 for Android Security 6.14.5 (Android 4.1+)

paket: com.antivirus
Dosya boyutu: 28.66 MB (30,050,864 bayt)
Minimum: Android 4.1 (Jöle fasulye şekerleme, API 16)
yüklendi: Aralık 4, 2018 de 10:03ÖĞLEDEN SONRA

AVG AntiVirüs 2019 for Android Security 6.11.6 (Android 4.1+)

Sürüm: 6.11.6 (318360)
paket: com.antivirus
Dosya boyutu: 26.85 MB (28,158,421 bayt)
Minimum: Android 4.1 (Jöle fasulye şekerleme, API 16)
yüklendi: Ağustos 2, 2018 de 11:42ÖĞLEDEN SONRA

AVG AntiVirüs 2019 for Android Security 6.9.2 (Android 4.1+)

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