Cortana'yı indirin Android Mobil cihazınız için APK, Doğrudan bağlantı ile'dan Tablet VEYA herhangi bir Android cihaz.
Cortana is your truly personal assistant—helping you get things done by letting your PC and phone work together. Your schedule, your interests, your people, your reminders—Cortana makes sure all that stuff is available wherever you need it. Set a reminder to pick up milk on the way home while you’re on your PC at work, and Cortana will give you the heads up on your phone when you’re on the road. Ask Cortana to make an appointment, send an email, open an app, or help you find what you’re looking for. And it’s not only about productivity, Cortana’s always up for a little chit chat. Ask Cortana whatever comes to mind, her answers might surprise you.
Cortana Apk file Information
Dosya adı
yüklendi: Ağustos 9, 2016 saat 13:30 GMT+00
Dosya boyutu:15M
Minimum Android sürümü:4.0.3 ve yukarı
Uygulama Geliştiricisi:Microsoft şirketi
Cortana'yı indirin APK:
- Cortana'yı indirin APK –15M
- Bu uygulamayı Google Play'den edinin
Cortana APK'nın Daha Yeni Sürümü
- Cortana APK İndirme 2025 (Resmi) En sonuncu yüklendi: Mayıs 15, 2017