Bu sürümde Play Store Açıklaması yok, bu yüzden sürümden bir tane aldık 1.0.1920:
Welcome to a sneak peek of our new mobile browser.
We know a little something about making game-changing web browsers. That’s why we’re excited to give you early access to Firefox Preview, a sneak peek of our new mobile browser. Built on GeckoView, this is our fastest Android browser yet. We’ve turned up the volume on everything you expect from Firefox: ease of use, safety, seçim, control, and privacy.
Uygulama Apk Bilgisi:
Sürüm: 1.0.1925 (11741824) armeabi-v7a
paket: org.mozilla.fenix
Boyut: 46.58 MB (48,845,404 bayt)
Minimum: Android 5.0 (Lolipop, API 21)Hedef: Android 9.0 (Turta, API 28)