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Download Injustice: Gods Among Us APK Download Latest version for free here for your android phone or tablet

Build an epic roster of DC super heroes and villains and get ready for battle! INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US is a free-to-play collectible card game where you build a roster of characters, moves, powers, and gear and enter the arena in touch-based 3-on-3 action combat.

More about Injustice: Gods Among Us

Use the touch screen mechanics of your mobile device to battle your enemies in 3-on-3 action combat. Swipe and tap to perform combos and build your power to pull off special attacks and super moves taken straight from the console version of the game.

Build your move set, increase your powers, upgrade your characters and gear, and beat your competition. Constantly evolve your card collection to fit your style of play and put your best team forward as you take on a series of DC super hero and villian combatants.z

Take on real opponents in Online Multiplayer Battles. Compete against players worldwide on the leaderboards, and in tournaments filled with awesome rewards. Watch replays of your previous offensive and defensive battles to hone your skills and your team lineup. Lead your team to victory!

Collect and play as your favorite DC Comics icons: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Joker, Green Arrow, flaş, Bane, Green Lantern, Doomsday, Ve bircok digerleri. With each alternate version of these iconic characters you get a new set of powers and moves, and a whole new fight!

Delivers best-in-class graphics on your phone or tablet, with custom animations for every single super hero and villain. Take the battle to Arkham Asylum, the Batcave, The Watchtower, and other iconic locales from DC Comics, fully rendered in 3D.

Lütfen aklınızda bulundurun: INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US is free to play, but it contains items that can be purchased for real money.

Adaletsizlik: Gods Among Us Free Mobile Download

This fighting mobile game is full of characters and features several DC Comics heroes, enhanced humans, and god-level characters. Including Aquaman, Bane, Batman, Catwoman, Cyborg, Deathstroke, Doomsday. The Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Harley Quinn, Hawkgirl, The Joker, Lex Luthor, Nightwing, Raven, Shazam, Sinestro, Solomon Grundy, Superman. Along with Wonder Woman. Batgirl and Lobo.

So you will have a lot to choose from when picking your three characters to enter the arena. Fights have a fast-paced, bounce- and juggle-centric flow. Much better but comparable to Tekken Arena. Adaletsizlik: Gods Among Us latest update allowed mobile Injustice players to assemble their strongest teams of three characters and challenge other players and their teams via wi-fi.

Adaletsizliğin bu sürümündeki yenilikler?

  • FREE REWARDS! Rewarded Videos and Offerwalls are back! Watch videos to earn Power Credits and refresh Energy, or complete Offers to earn even more Power Credits.
  • The minimum iOS version has been raised to iOS 9. Players on unsupported versions will not get Rewarded Videos and Offerwalls but they will still be able to play their game!
  • General game optimizations, hata düzeltmeleri, and privacy updates.

As always, thank you for playing Injustice: Gods Among Us!

Behold two new Challenge Characters based off DC’s new Batman Ninja movie, Batman Ninja Batman and Batman Ninja Lord Joker! This arch enemy duo introduces unique abilities, new team synergies, and powerful gear! Batman Ninja Batman uses his Kunai Knife to strike down his enemies causing them to Bleed and Batman Ninja Lord Joker’s passive, “Cult of the Demon” powers up his attacks to cause 100% Lifedrain. Assemble your team now and fight to add these Ninja characters to your roster.


  • this game is quite good! controls are smooth. gameplay is quite well designed. but my only concern is that graphics are too low and we cant even change our graphic settings in option. moreover i felt that graphic was really low, it was even less than mortal kombat x. after downloading such huge
  • I’m rating this three stars because of survivor mode, and how teen titans cyborg is in the most wanted pack, no one will ever use him. I think it’d be good to replace him with reverse flash or flashpoint batman. I think you know why I’m mad about survivor mode, just about everyone is mad about ho

Injustice Apk file information:

  • Paket ismi:
  • Sürüm: 3.4 (5023009)
  • Dosya boyutu: 74.1 MB
  • Güncellenmiş: Nisan 19, 2021
  • Minimum Android sürümü: Android 6.0 (Hatmi, API 23)
  • Ekran DPI'sı: baş ağrısı
  • Mimari: arm64-v8a

Download Injustice: Gods Among Us APK

Eski versiyon:

Paket ismi:
Sürüm: 2.20 (2701034)
Dosya boyutu: 33.9 MB
Güncellenmiş: Temmuz 21, 2018
Minimum Android sürümü: Android 4.0 (Dondurmalı Sandviç, API 14)

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