SMS Yedekleme & APK'yi geri yükle v10.05.210 Son sürümü indir

SMS yedeklemesini indir & APK Geri Yükle Android Telefonunuz veya Tabletiniz İçin Ücretsiz Son Sürümü Ücretsiz İndirin…

SMS Yedekleme & Restore is a simple Android app that backs up and restores your phone’s text messages and call logs.

Not: This app can only restore calls and messages that were backed up by it before they were deleted. Advanced messaging is not supported.

For questions or issues please visit our FAQ at:

Backup SMS (metin) mesajlar, MMS and call logs in XML format.
Local device backup with options to automatically upload to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or Emails
Choose a recurring scheduled time to automatically backup.
Option to select which conversations to backup or restore.
View and drill into your local and cloud backups
Search your backups
Restore/transfer backup to another phone. Backup format is independent of the Android version so the messages and logs can be easily transferred from one phone to another, irrespective of the version.
Fast Transfer between 2 phones over WiFi direct
Ability to restore all text messages or only selected conversations.
Free up space on your phone. Delete all SMS messages or call logs on the Phone.
Email a backup file.
The XML backup can be converted to other formats, and can also be viewed on a computer.

Tested on Android 5.0 Ve daha yüksek
App only restores backups made by this app
Please start the app at least once after updates so that the scheduled backups start working.
Backup is created locally on the phone by default, but you have the option to upload to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or Email. You are responsible for backup files. At no time are the files sent to the developer.
If you intend to do a factory reset on the phone, please make sure you save/email a copy of the backup outside the phone before doing it.
If you have performed the Restore and the messages don’t appear in your messaging app then:
Open your messaging app and Disable SMS from Settings.
Exit the app
Open the app again and Enable SMS from Settings.

This App needs access to the following:
* Mesajların: Backup and Restore messages. Receive SMS permission needed to properly handle messages received while the app is the default messaging app.
* Your Calls and Contact information: Backup and Restore Call Logs.
* Depolamak: To create the Backup file on the SD card.
* Network view and communication: Allows the app to connect to wifi for backup
* Your social information: To display and store the contact names in the Backup file.
* Run at start-up: Start scheduled Backups.
* Prevent Phone from Sleeping: To prevent the phone from going to sleep/suspended state while a Backup or Restore operation is in progress.
* Test access to Protected Storage: To create the Backup file on the SD card.
* Account Information: To authenticate with Google Drive and Gmail for cloud uploads

SyncTech Pty Ltd has taken over the development and maintenance of SMS Backup & Eski haline getirmek. Please send any enquiries to [email protected] or visit


More options for hourly and daily scheduled backups
Fix issue with uploads of files larger than 2GB to OneDrive
Fix issue with showing files and folders on OneDrive with too many files in the folder
Fix the backup status card in German


  • Thanks to the developers for pointing out the location of the Print option somewhat buried within the XML menuexactly what I needed.
  • Did everything it said! Went from Alcatel Fierce 4 to Galaxy s9 and all my text and calls transferred over with pics and everything which was cool. It did take two tries though. May have been issue with my wifi. First time just kept spinning, but second try was seamless

SMS Yedekleme & Restore file information

Paket ismi: com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore
Sürüm: 10.05.210 (1005210)
Dosya boyutu: 7.3 MB
Güncellenmiş: Temmuz 21, 2018
Minimum Android sürümü: Android 5.0 (Lolipop, API 21)

SMS yedeklemesini indir & APK'yı geri yükle

OLD VERSIONS of SMS Backup & APK'yı geri yükle

SMS yedeklemesini indir & Eski haline getirmek 10.05.200

Paket ismi: com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore
Sürüm: 10.05.200 (1005200)
Dosya boyutu: 7.3 MB
yüklendi: Haziran 26, 2018
Minimum Android sürümü: Android 5.0 (Lolipop, API 21)

SMS yedeklemesini indir & Eski haline getirmek 10.05.104

Paket ismi: com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore
Sürüm: 10.05.104 (1005104)
Dosya boyutu: 7.3 MB
yüklendi: Mayıs 16, 2018
Minimum Android sürümü: Android 5.0 (Lolipop, API 21)

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