Ses Ölçer, Akıllı Araçlar koleksiyonunun 4. setindedir.
Hiç komşuların gürültüsünden acı çektiniz mi??
SPL(ses basıncı seviyesi) meter app uses your embedded microphone to measure noise volume in decibels(db), and shows a reference.
Sound level meter(or SPL) app is shows a decibel values by measure the environmental noise, displays measured dB values in various forms. You can experience tidy graphic design with high frame by this smart sound meter app.
– Indicates decibel by gauge
– Display the current noise reference
– Display min/avg/max decibel values
– Display decibel by graph
– Can calibrate the decibel for each devices
Microphones in most android devices are aligned to human voice. The maximum values are limited by the device. Very loud sounds(over ~90 dB) may not be recognized in most device. So please use it as just an auxiliary tools. If you need more accurate dB values, we recommend a actual sound level meter for that.
*This app allows ads banner on the top screen.
* Do you want more tools?
indirmek [Smart Meter Pro] ve [Smart Tools] paket.
Daha fazla bilgi için, watch YouTube and visit the blog. Teşekkürler.
Button sound removed(sound interfered in dB)
Guage movement changed
Some internal error fixed
– v1.7.10 : More models are calibrated
– v1.7.8 : Support for Android 11
Apk dosya bilgisi:
Sürüm: 1.7.10 (76)
Diller: nın-nin, ben, ar, olarak, en, olmak, erkek arkadaş, milyar, bs, CA, cs, ve, nın-nin, en, içinde, es, et, AB, fa, fi, fr, gl… Hepsini Göster ↓
paket: kr.sira.sound
Boyut: 4.76 MB (4,991,604 bayt)
Harici depolama birimine kurulumu destekler.Min: Android 4.1 (Jöle fasulye şekerleme, API 16)
Hedef: Android 11 (API 30)
Şimdiki versiyonu : 3.1.5
Android gerektirir : 2.3 ve yukarı
Tarafından sunulan : ABC Uygulamaları