Bản phát hành này không có mô tả cửa hàng chơi, Vì vậy, chúng tôi đã lấy một từ phiên bản 0.30 (29):
PlayStation 2 Emulator for Android.
*WARNING* This is still under active development and isn’t yet ready for actual game play.
Please check the compatibility list for information about working games: github.com/jpd002/Play-/wiki/Compatible-games#android
Hi guys! Here’s a new official build! Here’s the new stuff that’s included in that build:
– Compatibility updates (ex.: Armored Core 2 and PaRappa The Rapper 2 now boot).
– Made some optimizations to the way CPU blocks are executed.
– [các cửa sổ] Windows XP support is back.
Apk App Info:
Phiên bản: 0.30 (40)
arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a + x86 + x86_64
Bưu kiện: com.virtualapplications.play
167,481 downloads5.83 MB (6,116,879 byte)tối thiểu: Android 4.4 (Sô cô la kitkat, API 19)Mục tiêu: Android 7.0 (kẹo dẻo, API 24)