适用于 Android 的 Cortana 最新版本
(4.2/5 Google Play 的平均评分 20,000 用户)
获取 Cortana,不错过任何一个节拍!
将您的私人助理带到您的手机上,帮助您随时随地跟踪重要内容, 在您的设备上.
Set a reminder on your PC to pick something up at the store and she’ll alert you on your phone when you get there.
Miss a call on your phone and she’ll let you know on your PC, and send a reply text for you.
If traffic’s a mess and you need to leave early to make that meeting, Cortana’s got your back.
If you need to find a fast answer or info on a flight or package, just ask.
And Cortana is a truly personal assistant who gets to know you better all the time so she can help track the things you’re passionate about, 比如你最喜欢的艺术家或运动队, and give you smarter recommendations.
Using Cortana with Microsoft Band 2 is no longer supported in Cortana app version 2.1.5 and later for Android.
Cortana apk 文件信息
文件名: com.microsoft.cortana_v2.7.1.1766-enus-release-1766_Android-4.4.apk
版本:发布 (1766)
已上传: 可能 15, 2017 在 1:36下午(格林威治标准时间+00)
文件大小: 38.27MB (40,128,459 字节)
最低安卓版本: 安卓 4.4+ (奇巧, 应用程序接口 19)
MD5: f39298e21164139e9549789ff362f079
SHA1: baca90606fb4c098ce4d055603aaeda1e1f96a85
Download Microsoft Cortana APK v2.7:
- 从安全服务器下载 APK >> 文件大小: 38.27MB
- 从 Google Play 安装 Cortana
Newer Version of Cortana en-us APK Available:
- Cortana en-us (1771) APK 最新版本 上传: 七月 1, 2017