Download Notifyer Unread Count 2.6.2 适用于您的 Android 手机的 APK, 平板电脑或来自 的任何 Android 设备,带有直接链接.
Now you can receive all your app notifications right on the app icons themselves, just like the iPhone. Perfect for apps like Facebook, 微信, Viber and any other apps receiving important notifications. New messages, missed calls, friendship requests and more are all displayed.
Notifyer works by using 1×1 homescreen widgets to replace regular app icons. Using widgets means they can update in real time showing your latest notifications. So after installing Notifyer, add Notifyer widgets to your homescreen and choose the apps that you want to have notification badges.
通知程序未读计数 2.6.2 APK信息
版本: 2.6.2
已上传: 九月 8, 2016 在 14:13下午(格林威治标准时间+00)
文件大小: 1.8米
最低安卓版本: 4.2 及以上
Download Notifyer Unread Count 2.6.2 下载 :
- Download Notifyer Unread Count 2.6.2 APK – 1.8M
- 从 Google Play 安装
Older Notifyer Unread Count 2.6.2 可用的APK:
- 通知程序未读计数 2.6.2 APK 最新版本 上传: 九月 8, 2016