铁拳 3 游戏APK v1.1 (4)(2019) 最新的

更多关于铁拳 3

当时最好的街机游戏之一铁拳 3 现已登陆安卓平台. Its developer Namco did not originally launch the mobile app version. But you can still get it via an APK file and easily play it with an external or built-in phone emulator app.

下载铁拳 3 最新版本 1.1 安卓版

(4.6/5 Google Play 的平均评分 560,459 用户)

此图像的 alt 属性为空; its file name is Tekken-3-Game-APK-2019-LATEST.jpg

You are downloading Tekken 3 Latest APK v1.1 (4). 被认为是有史以来最伟大的游戏之一, 铁拳 3 即使在 2017. 在这款街机游戏中, 你可以选择你最喜欢的角色进行战斗!

铁拳 3 – Many of us like this kind of game like a fighting game, and probably everyone who played a lot of fighting games knows this great game. 全部, as usual, no abstruse plot, but only fights, blood and a sea of violence. Your task is very simple, you need to beat the enemy until he falls unconscious. This game is remembered by many more when they played on the PS, now you can play it on your smartphone with the built-in emulator. A variety of heroes and the sea of blood will be approved by all fans of fighting games.aw21.

What’s new in this version of Tekken 3?
版本 1.1: – 已修复的错误.

下载铁拳 3 Game APK Latest version

Tekken3 file Information

包裹名字: com.banafshedev.tekken3
版本: 1.1 (4)
文件大小: 21.2 MB
更新: 四月 18, 2019
最低安卓版本: 安卓 2.2 (弗罗约, 应用程序接口 8)

Download Tekken-3 APK v1.1:
